Stopping TRT w/ clinical oversight in Europe?

Hello, 28M, been on TRT since about 5 years, usual story of symptoms of chronic fatigue, depression, and having to fight with endocrinologists to get recognised and put on TRT and not thyroid or antidepressant drugs, until I found a compassionate doctor willing to try. Never abused PEDs or anything, levels before TRT were around 290 if I can recall (I have the bloods somewhere) so I believe a genuine case of hypogonadism.

I was started off on Nebido as thats all that was available, then moved to a private UK clinic BalanceMyHormones and put on Sustanon. I stopped subscription with them a few years ago as it was cheaper for me to get the T through pharmacies in France. Currently on Androtardyl, take about 100mg every 5 days

I have reaped the benefits in the gym for sure, and the treatment definitely improved my quality of life in terms of energy, the mental stuff never truly went away but I know TRT isn’t a magic pill, but at least gave me the energy to get out of bed.

At the moment I am considering stopping, as I may be moving to a location/circumstance where TRT may be difficult to access and be dependent on. I also down the line wish to know the implications on fertility, not planning any family atm but down the line is something to consider.

I have recent blood results from, again, very unpleasant experience with an endocrinologist who was argumentative about my prescription and wouldn’t renew it.

I am wondering what online clinics are available in Europe? Currently in Switzerland where I’m sure there are clinics but would be cost prohibitive, other option is France where access to my prescription (which I got from BMH) has been cheap, however afaik they are quite behind diagnosis and treatment wise unless I find an actually competent endo. Final option is to resub with BMH but their prices have hiked quite a bit since I was last with them

Can anyone inform me on how the stopping process is done safely and how natural reproduction is started?

I could be completely wrong but I recall long ago seeing an article where natural levels can be higher after stopping trt than how there were before TRT, but have since found nothing on that.

Grateful for any help, thanks

Endocrinologists can be frustrating. If you were feeling good at your dose and your labs were solid, consider sourcing it from a reputable UGL site. That’s what I’m doing for now since Kaiser has been giving me a hard time and It’s been an issue getting my prescriptions due to supply issues (DepoT)

In my opinion, most clinics are a joke, though there are a few I genuinely support.

Sorry I don’t understand the abbreviations UGL, Kaiser and DepoT

Ugl: underground lab

Kaiser: I believe type of US health insurance

DepoT: depo testosterone/generic test cyp from USA