Stop Hating the Fat

Use them as bullet sponges instead.

Bullet absorbing body armor brought to you by Twinkies.

See this is where you’re wrong … underneath all that fat lies abs of steel!! The bullet penetrated her 57 layers of fat and finally struck her impenetrable steel abs

So would I get booed out of this thread if I said I’m scared of PM’s avi and I don’t know who Sterling Archer is?!?!


For you lack of google use

But you can stay in this thread cuz I like ya :stuck_out_tongue:

OR if she was skinny, then the bullet would have missed her completely perhaps…

Archer is the man. Almost as good as Venture Brothers.

[quote]tootles27 wrote:
So would I get booed out of this thread if I said I’m scared of PM’s avi and I don’t know who Sterling Archer is?!?![/quote]


Never thought of using fat to stop a bullet. That’s what my bass is for.

And pmpm’s avatar was giving me seisures, while telling me to do bad things.

[quote]Rocky2 wrote:
OR if she was skinny, then the bullet would have missed her completely perhaps…[/quote]

Yeah, that was my thought…

Didnt the article say something about the bullet missing the guy it was intended for, passing through the jacket, and THEN hitting that lady? Sounds to me like the first guy was saved for not being ‘wide’ enough to get hit.

and the weave!

Figures a powerlifter starts this thread…

[quote]rrjc5488 wrote:
Figures a powerlifter starts this thread…[/quote]

Shut up, tubby.

[quote]tootles27 wrote:
So would I get booed out of this thread if I said I’m scared of PM’s avi and I don’t know who Sterling Archer is?!?![/quote]

10pm on the FX channel. Be there or continue to be square. :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote]polo77j wrote:

For you lack of google use

But you can stay in this thread cuz I like ya :P[/quote]

Tis true, I have not been google-fied yet. I have something against people who use it and act like they know what’s up.

[quote]pushmepullme wrote:

[quote]tootles27 wrote:
So would I get booed out of this thread if I said I’m scared of PM’s avi and I don’t know who Sterling Archer is?!?![/quote]


YES!! I like mini PMPM.

[quote]Doug Adams wrote:

[quote]tootles27 wrote:
So would I get booed out of this thread if I said I’m scared of PM’s avi and I don’t know who Sterling Archer is?!?![/quote]

10pm on the FX channel. Be there or continue to be square. :stuck_out_tongue: [/quote]

I might try to be cool or go back under my rock!!

[quote]tootles27 wrote:

[quote]Doug Adams wrote:

[quote]tootles27 wrote:
So would I get booed out of this thread if I said I’m scared of PM’s avi and I don’t know who Sterling Archer is?!?![/quote]

10pm on the FX channel. Be there or continue to be square. :stuck_out_tongue: [/quote]

I might try to be cool or go back under my rock!![/quote]

ask your kids … they might know

LOL…because it just couldn’t be that had she not been so fat that the bullet would have MISSED her completely. Yes, let’s praise obesity for making you bullet proof.