I was wondering what the deal is with this stomach pain I get every time I cut back on carbs.
My stomach feels really bloated, its a gasy-like pain. Its right under my ribs.
Last week I tried to go Atkins style and induce ketosis, I made it till about 4pm when I was pretty much incapacitated from the abdominal pain =(
Today I tried again but followed a more “the zone” style approach. I’ve been eating carbs today however they have all been low GI and in the correct ratio to protein that the diet outlines.
Today I’ve gotten the stomach pain again, however this time its no where near as bad (can stand and walk around)
If someone could shed some light on this or post a solution it would be much appreciated!!
I don’t know if this is caused by low carbs, it is probably the result of something else that you are eating or supplementing with this. I have days where I go with no carbs, only green veggies, and have never experiences abdominal pain.