Stock Picks

Who here follows the stock market and what stocks do you like?
Personally, I think the energy stocks are full of good bargains. My favorite pick: HES.

Pengrowth Energy (Canada)
Teva Pharmaceuticals
Bristol-Myers Squibb
Bank of Montreal

I should add another one: VGR. This pays almost a 10% dividend and a 5% stock dividend per year. I have held this one for awhile. Another one I own is AGNC. Nice little REIT that pays 19% dividend. When the flash crash happened, VGR went all the way to 16$ and AGNC went down to 25$

I think the energy stocks have been beaten to shit. If oil continues to march upward, you could make out nice on XOM, COP and maybe even RDS-A. I don’t think they are a solid long play though.
MRO is also attractively valued. KFT is also another winner IMO. UL is another nice company.

I would like TEVA for a short term play, but it one of those stocks that is permanently undervalued.

[quote]method_man wrote:
Another one I own is AGNC. Nice little REIT that pays 19% dividend. When the flash crash happened, VGR went all the way to 16$ and AGNC went down to 25$

I don’t know anything about AGNC, but a 19% yield should ring some serious alarm bells. There is usually a very good reason why a stock would be that cheap.

[quote]Regular Gonzalez wrote:

I don’t know anything about AGNC, but a 19% yield should ring some serious alarm bells. There is usually a very good reason why a stock would be that cheap.


You have the best screen name I’ve ever seen.

BRK-B trading at near book value is hard to beat for a long term bet. also like TTMI beaten down to nearly a 52 week low due to overreaction in the market in general. but if i had to pick just one right now and throw it all at it…it would be BRK-B and i would sit on it for a lifetime…

AAPL would be a close second but i’m wating for a real good buying opportunity on Apple when Steve Jobs leaves…the market will certainly over react negatively and the price will drop significantly at which point i would buy as much as i could afford…you just can’t find much wrong there…any dip is simply a buying opportunity.

[quote]Regular Gonzalez wrote:

[quote]method_man wrote:
Another one I own is AGNC. Nice little REIT that pays 19% dividend. When the flash crash happened, VGR went all the way to 16$ and AGNC went down to 25$

I don’t know anything about AGNC, but a 19% yield should ring some serious alarm bells. There is usually a very good reason why a stock would be that cheap.


no doubt i would run away from a 19% yielding stock like it was on fire , it might be great for a minute but you can bet trouble is brewing (or has already brewed)

[quote]morepain wrote:
BRK-B trading at near book value is hard to beat for a long term bet. also like TTMI beaten down to nearly a 52 week low due to overreaction in the market in general. but if i had to pick just one right now and throw it all at it…it would be BRK-B and i would sit on it for a lifetime…

AAPL would be a close second but i’m wating for a real good buying opportunity on Apple when Steve Jobs leaves…the market will certainly over react negatively and the price will drop significantly at which point i would buy as much as i could afford…you just can’t find much wrong there…any dip is simply a buying opportunity. [/quote]

Yeah, AAPL is about the most valuable company in the world right now. When their shares drop it’s an ideal time to re-invest too, IMO.

[quote]method_man wrote:
Who here follows the stock market and what stocks do you like?
Personally, I think the energy stocks are full of good bargains. My favorite pick: HES.[/quote]

If you like the energy sector, check out the exchange traded fund DIG.

[quote]morepain wrote:
BRK-B trading at near book value is hard to beat for a long term bet. also like TTMI beaten down to nearly a 52 week low due to overreaction in the market in general. but if i had to pick just one right now and throw it all at it…it would be BRK-B and i would sit on it for a lifetime…

I’ve given BRK-B strong consideration, but what do you think will happen to the stock price once Buffett croaks?

short position is the way for this downtrend market.

[quote]PimpBot5000 wrote:

[quote]morepain wrote:
BRK-B trading at near book value is hard to beat for a long term bet. also like TTMI beaten down to nearly a 52 week low due to overreaction in the market in general. but if i had to pick just one right now and throw it all at it…it would be BRK-B and i would sit on it for a lifetime…

I’ve given BRK-B strong consideration, but what do you think will happen to the stock price once Buffett croaks?[/quote]

If you listen to Buffet and his teacher, I wouldn’t buy a stock that rides at book value…I would buy a single BRK-B share so I could go to the shareholder meetings, probably buy with a few friends so we could all go and listen to the man speak…but besides that…over priced.

PPL (Pembina Pipeline Corp)

monthly dividends paid out, equal to around 6.2% a year.