Still On That Low-Carb Diet?

I’m curious how many of you on T-Nation would respond to people who bash/hate on low-carb diets. How would you respond to a scientist who comes up to you and tries to point out that your views on diet/nutrition are wrong.

Any one have any links on hand to solid counter references? Not that I’m asking you to go out and do research, but if you know of X study or Y trial that revolved around low-carb diets.

Didn’t marketing and media go off promoting high carb/low fat diets, despite scientific evidence showing that low carb/high fat could actually promote weight loss?

[quote]My quick summary of this complex literature is as follows:

  • The evidence strongly supports the conclusion that weight loss and control is dominantly (if not completely) determined by caloric intake. All diets that result in weight loss do so by reducing calories, and the macronutrient make up of those calories is irrelevant (to weight loss). Apparent advantages of low-carb diets are likely related to decreased hunger, which results in decreased caloric intake â?? but this effect is short term (3-6 months at most) and there is no long term advantage[/quote]

I Thought that a calorie isn’t a calorie. That carbs and fats have different metabolic effects on the body, and that understanding the results of those effects, we can then create a nutritional ‘guide’ of sorts to help us achieve a desired body composition. Fats regulate hormones, are integral to cell membranes, etc. Insulin regulates fat cells, carbs regulate insuline levels (to a degree, via blood glucose levels), etc.

I think to claim that a calorie is a calorie is erroneous. I also remember reading an article here about how in the early 70s, most nutritional information in western society was controlled mainly by a handful of guys. These guys believed that fat makes you fat (to put it in wild simplistic terms), and that people were fat because they ate to many calories. Quantity over quality.

And then there is the tons of information on omega 3 fatty acids, and how they directly can have an effect on heart health, as well as having a diet that is to high in it’s fatty acid ratios between 6 and 3.

I dunno. I haven’t really found anything compelling to point out to me that low carb shouldn’t be the way to go. That fats are bad. That high fat diets will screw with your cholesterol profile. etc.

And from personal experience, the only thing I found high carb diets good for was trying to put on weight. Which seems to be in compliance with what I’ve read on this site.

What do you guys think? And what do you say when some one in “authority” (ie, an MD or other doctor, or nutritionist) claims that what you are doing is actually going to screw you up? Or do you even respond at all (perhaps just roll your eyes and walk away)?

I would nod my head and go on with my life. I’m also very hard to offend and tend not to care what others think. I think first hand experience usually triumphs over text book warriors with no experience at all anyway.

That being said, I think its ignorant to assume that low-carb diets are the only and/or best way to go.

The best science experiment you can do is on yourself…

I know what works for me and that’s what counts. I have tried it all, end of the day low-carb is the only thing my body responds too (in terms of losing fat).

Plus with science studies you always have 100 scientists saying “A” is the only right answer and another 100 saying “B” is the only right answer.

Having eaten ‘low carb’ for the past 6 years, I have some experience with that and what people say.

1: Get bloodwork done regularly. If an MD tels you you’re going to screw your body up, make him prove it.
My girl has been eating low carb for about a year now, and her parents were worried about her eating 7 eggs for breakfast. I suggested she did bloodwork, and it came back perfect.

2:Not all fats are equal.(Duh.) there’s a world of difference between ‘sausage, cheese and no vegetables-low carb’ and ’ lots of vegetables, mostly lean meats and fish with added nuts and oils’-low carb.

3:A low carb diet consisting of said good foods, and the addition of beneficial spices, milled flax seeds, green and other herbal teas and intelligent carb consumption is, in my mind, superior to an average European’s or American’s diet.

4:Try it, but try it intelligently. See if it works for you - if not, ditch it. You can’t go wrong with whole grains, lean meats, some fruit and vegetables either, for me it’s just a matter of convenience and preference.

wow, so i can loose weight just by cutting calories down to 1500 a day? and it’ll still work if i just eat fish sticks and bread?

[quote]caveman101 wrote:
wow, so i can loose weight just by cutting calories down to 1500 a day? and it’ll still work if i just eat fish sticks and bread?


Your composition may suffer but you would still lose weight if you were below maintenance…law of thermodynamics.

[quote]elusive wrote:
I would nod my head and go on with my life. I’m also very hard to offend and tend not to care what others think. I think first hand experience usually triumphs over text book warriors with no experience at all anyway.

That being said, I think its ignorant to assume that low-carb diets are the only and/or best way to go.[/quote]


A low carb diet can work.
A low fat diet can work.
A balance diet can work.

No macro is “magic” and will make you automatically gain or lose weight based on its presence or absence. Thermodynamics still applies.

And a retard can screw up any of them. What was the point again?

[quote]Davinci.v2 wrote:

[quote]caveman101 wrote:
wow, so i can loose weight just by cutting calories down to 1500 a day? and it’ll still work if i just eat fish sticks and bread?


Your composition may suffer but you would still lose weight if you were below maintenance…law of thermodynamics.[/quote]

I’ve been training myself and others for a while, and this is bull. If you’re a 6’3" male with hardly any lean mass and you cut back to 1500 per day, if you loose any weight at all, it wont be for long. At 1500 calories per day, you’ll plateau and your body will need more calories in order to loose weight. The law of thermodynamics looks great on paper, but I haven’t found it to be anywhere close to an end-all in real life.

[quote]balls wrote:

[quote]Davinci.v2 wrote:

[quote]caveman101 wrote:
wow, so i can loose weight just by cutting calories down to 1500 a day? and it’ll still work if i just eat fish sticks and bread?


Your composition may suffer but you would still lose weight if you were below maintenance…law of thermodynamics.[/quote]

I’ve been training myself and others for a while, and this is bull. If you’re a 6’3" male with hardly any lean mass and you cut back to 1500 per day, if you loose any weight at all, it wont be for long. At 1500 calories per day, you’ll plateau and your body will need more calories in order to loose weight. The law of thermodynamics looks great on paper, but I haven’t found it to be anywhere close to an end-all in real life.

dudes, sarcasm. im not a gay fish.

[quote]elusive wrote:
That being said, I think its ignorant to assume that low-carb diets are the only and/or best way to go.[/quote]


A lot of people get on the bandwagon for certain diets and tend to think that everything else is rubbish, which is silly since many types of diets are effective if done properly.

[quote]balls wrote:

[quote]Davinci.v2 wrote:

[quote]caveman101 wrote:
wow, so i can loose weight just by cutting calories down to 1500 a day? and it’ll still work if i just eat fish sticks and bread?


Your composition may suffer but you would still lose weight if you were below maintenance…law of thermodynamics.[/quote]

I’ve been training myself and others for a while, and this is bull. If you’re a 6’3" male with hardly any lean mass and you cut back to 1500 per day, if you loose any weight at all, it wont be for long. At 1500 calories per day, you’ll plateau and your body will need more calories in order to loose weight. The law of thermodynamics looks great on paper, but I haven’t found it to be anywhere close to an end-all in real life.


First post, so bare with me:

I have been on a low carbohydrate diet for the last 2 months; I have dropped from 238 to 218 in those 2 months. That being said, it is important to note that every person must make unique alterations to what fits them best. I originally started by doing the anabolic diet (30g CHO/day) and found this was too low. I was getting headaches, mental foginess and my lifts were suffering immensely. I then switched to 75 CHO/day with top up days every now and then and its been working great since.

Basically what I’m trying to say is that you need to experiment with low-carb diets because everyone responds differently. The brain requires carbohydrates for healthy functions, and carb restriction causes the liver to produce ketone bodies which may lead to ketosis and highly acidic blood. So start in moderation and experiment with how your body reacts. For those who argue that all high fat diets are harmful for the body, refer to the french paradox, and choose your fats wisely.

Laissez-faire. I won’t try to control what you eat, don’t try to control what I eat.

[quote]caveman101 wrote:

[quote]balls wrote:

[quote]Davinci.v2 wrote:

[quote]caveman101 wrote:
wow, so i can loose weight just by cutting calories down to 1500 a day? and it’ll still work if i just eat fish sticks and bread?


Your composition may suffer but you would still lose weight if you were below maintenance…law of thermodynamics.[/quote]

I’ve been training myself and others for a while, and this is bull. If you’re a 6’3" male with hardly any lean mass and you cut back to 1500 per day, if you loose any weight at all, it wont be for long. At 1500 calories per day, you’ll plateau and your body will need more calories in order to loose weight. The law of thermodynamics looks great on paper, but I haven’t found it to be anywhere close to an end-all in real life.

dudes, sarcasm. im not a gay fish.[/quote]

Ah, too late to the thread to catch the South Park reference. Nards.