I fractured both my humerus bones in my arms about 7 months ago and they still sting if I do push ups or lift over about 75 pounds in each arm on exercises. I’m wondering is there any benefit to using Something on the lines of deca and test to help bone density and full recovery. Or any other combination of substances.
I asked my doctor and he made me sound like a steroid fiend in his notes!
It will have the same effects it has on healthy tissue… So it will help you gain your strength back faster, but wouldn’t you be afraid that you’d push yourself too far and hurt it even more??
Btw, there was a thread about this a few weeks ago, try to look it up there may be good information there.
Good luck, broken bones suck (im a bjj vet i know all about that)
It might make recovery faster but you tend to increase strength pretty quick while on cycle and your bones cant keep up which will put additional stress on your arms which could make it worse
[quote]nafnlaus wrote:
Deca will probably keep your ligaments in good shape but i haven’t seen anything regarding bone growth. I think you should be looking at things that cause hyperplasia - cell multiplication for this kind of healing. Steroids work well for muscle tissue but probably not as well for bones.
There is a powerful growth hormone called IGF-1 that can directly affect bone/cartilage growth. I somewhere read a study on HGH effect on men age 25+ with a broken leg, recovery speed was 25% faster on HGH vs placebo. HGH does also affect bone density in a good way.
HGH has good healing properties, but in long term abuse the hyperplasia will cause Acromegaly(above 2 years of use). Also, tumors, if you have any can grow at 80x rate because of the growth hormone. Minor side effects such as hedaches and carpal tunnel syndrome can occur because of large dosages.
Isn’t IGF-1 positively correlated to amounts of GH anyway? I could be wrong, but I think the correlation is there. So if you are increasing your GH (either endogenously or exogenously) me thinks you would see a corresponding rise in IGF-1 as well.
Damn Hgh sounds tempting but my dad died from cancer same with my grandpa and my grandma and my mom’s had a tumor before… SO maybe I should stay away from the hgh. But I appreciate the input alot it sounds like that would be the best choice. But im afraid ill Increase my chances for cancer or tumors to much. I get what you mean about hurting myself while on a cycle cause of the strength increase.
My muscles are already stronger than my bones at the moment. My plan would be to just do really light weight but extremely high repetitions. Ive had really good results in gaining size with that in the past naturally. Like curling 20 pounds 15 to 20 times and slowly moving the weight down and just focusing and form and flexing at the right moments.
I also respond to juice really good Ive been waiting like a year and a half since my last cycle. So even if i worked out twice a week i would expect to gain 15 to 20 pounds off like a 700 mg a week test e cycle. Lol maybe ill just start popping calcium pills. lol i Probably just respond normal to juice but its so amazing that its hard to look at any results from it as just normal!
[quote]VTBalla34 wrote:
[quote]nafnlaus wrote:
Deca will probably keep your ligaments in good shape but i haven’t seen anything regarding bone growth. I think you should be looking at things that cause hyperplasia - cell multiplication for this kind of healing. Steroids work well for muscle tissue but probably not as well for bones.
There is a powerful growth hormone called IGF-1 that can directly affect bone/cartilage growth. I somewhere read a study on HGH effect on men age 25+ with a broken leg, recovery speed was 25% faster on HGH vs placebo. HGH does also affect bone density in a good way.
HGH has good healing properties, but in long term abuse the hyperplasia will cause Acromegaly(above 2 years of use). Also, tumors, if you have any can grow at 80x rate because of the growth hormone. Minor side effects such as hedaches and carpal tunnel syndrome can occur because of large dosages.
Isn’t IGF-1 positively correlated to amounts of GH anyway? I could be wrong, but I think the correlation is there. So if you are increasing your GH (either endogenously or exogenously) me thinks you would see a corresponding rise in IGF-1 as well.
Absolutely Right.When a dr. check’s your hgh level,the test is igf-1. I wouldn’t take hgh for a broken bone.Just let nature take it’s healing course.john
[quote]Mad -scientist wrote:
Damn Hgh sounds tempting but my dad died from cancer same with my grandpa and my grandma and my mom’s had a tumor before… SO maybe I should stay away from the hgh. But I appreciate the input alot it sounds like that would be the best choice. But im afraid ill Increase my chances for cancer or tumors to much. I get what you mean about hurting myself while on a cycle cause of the strength increase.
My muscles are already stronger than my bones at the moment. My plan would be to just do really light weight but extremely high repetitions. Ive had really good results in gaining size with that in the past naturally. Like curling 20 pounds 15 to 20 times and slowly moving the weight down and just focusing and form and flexing at the right moments.
I also respond to juice really good Ive been waiting like a year and a half since my last cycle. So even if i worked out twice a week i would expect to gain 15 to 20 pounds off like a 700 mg a week test e cycle. Lol maybe ill just start popping calcium pills. lol i Probably just respond normal to juice but its so amazing that its hard to look at any results from it as just normal!
hey bra:Just a suggestion.My endrocrinologist advised me not too severely lower my estrogen,as it is necessary for bone density.
Why would you advice someone with a broken bone to avoid dairy products? That’s the only time when you should actually GOMAD.
Dam if 700mg Test is “modest” I’m old man river.
lol i cant tell cron if your saying 700 is alot or a little… just curious what you meant
700 is a lot
I consider 12-1500mg a week a lot, not 700.
[quote]tattoo’d’popeye wrote:
I consider 12-1500mg a week a lot, not 700. [/quote]
Hahaha fuck me I though 750 was a lot for me
It always seems like that but when your 5 cycles down the road from your 750 dose, it won’t seem like that much. Doing cycles 10-30 times over your career and you can see how the dosage just climbs and climbs you know. I think its user dependent as well. Some guys will never need to go above 1 gram because they will continue to make gains and progress. Others will have to up dosage from time to time.
Ya I see your point. I know eventually ill be up there
I’ve heard of a research chem called TB500 being used for injuries. I think it is sometimes stacked w/ MK-2866. Let me know what you find. I’ve heard of internet testimonials of this causing Drs to shit their pants because of the speed of recovery.
I don’t have any dosing details or links, I just remember coming across these chemicals.
I used TB500 to heal elbow tendonitis. Seemed to work but I was doing loads of other rehab stuff too so I dunno…
[quote]BUDs wrote:
700 is a lot[/quote]
Steve Goggins was on 10g test along with other shit when he squatted 1100 lol
[quote]spar4tee wrote:
[quote]BUDs wrote:
700 is a lot[/quote]
Steve Goggins was on 10g test along with other shit when he squatted 1100 lol[/quote]
holy shitsauce!