Steroids Saved My Life

I cant believe some people are actually defending this kids actions.

coles notes

138 lbs
is sick of being skinny
instead of educating himself on proper training and diet he turned to his dealer and picked up some dbol… To me it seems like he is making slightly better then newbie gains. I wish I knew this kid so I could place bets on how long it takes for him to look like he used to

holy hell, this should be a good 12 weeks

cool, he gained 3 lbs.

i gained weight from doing nothing but pushups, dips, and situps when i had no home gym or gym membership.

id punch him in the face for saying “yaay” like that. fruit.

dbol only cycle? wow. hell gain 20lbs and lose 25

utter faggotry
Who’s the dickbag with the mohawk?

This has gotta be some kind of joke? My money says after 12 weeks he’ll reveal he wasn’t on AAS as proof anyone can gain…

The sugar babies seem to be more educated than him on the subject.

Oh jeez. So he didn’t bother with learning how to work out first and seeing how his body responds to it and just jumps right into taking steroids. Fucking instant gratification.

The sugar babies are hot.

[quote]AngryVader wrote:
Oh jeez. So he didn’t bother with learning how to work out first and seeing how his body responds to it and just jumps right into taking steroids. Fucking instant gratification.[/quote]

This is the norm in some cases, its sad

One of the comments:

“careful you might have a roid rage”

I don’t know if that’s more irritating than the video, it’s a tough call.

one would actually have to have a pair of testicles before they could be capable of shrinking.

steroids or not, that guy will never get above 160 lbs, because he is a pussy.

i want more of sugar baby #1.


This kid is a douche with a capitol DOUCHE

What a fuckin’ cunt… He still doesn’t look like he even lifts. Steroids are for advanced athletes and not for skinny beginners who are to lazy to work hard in the gym.

[quote]Enjoy The Pain wrote:
… Steroids are for advanced athletes and not for skinny beginners who are to lazy to work hard in the gym.[/quote]


Lol… he openly admits he has problems with “form”. As in he’s never lifted a weight in his fucking life. He was doing pulldowns with like 2 plates.

I hate to suck as much as him.

He should have spent the AAS money on a trainer, dipshit.

[quote]AngryVader wrote:
Oh jeez. So he didn’t bother with learning how to work out first and seeing how his body responds to it and just jumps right into taking steroids. Fucking instant gratification.[/quote]

I found that interesting too…

One of my friends has probably the exact same stats as that guy, probably same height and weight and everything. Very skinny, not athletic at all (but his level 70 night elf was the shit). He finally accepted my offer to work out at my place, just doing the basic lifts from ‘starting strength’, and wouldn’t you know it, he’s put on a few kilos already.

He probably would have got instant gratification from a solid program with no steroids… rather than a shit one. but hey, like the sugar babes said, if you know what you’re doing its okay. and cos they’re hot it must be true.

… and i guess he knows what he’s doing. i mean, sure i wouldn’t do it, but he must be smarter than me, because he spent his whole life working on his mind haha :smiley:

Hmm, a little pink tablet, and no injectables. sigh Hello water weight, and more propaganda against the use of steroids. Fantastic.