Steroids and ADHD

Found this interesting. Just got diagnosed with ADHD for the second time. Imo, it’s more so that ADHD increases the probability of drug use, then the steroids cause ADHD symptoms. ADHD is associated with recreational drug use already.




If I can’t think straight, I’m gonna at least be huge lol.

I did find it interesting that the study confirmed what @readalot had mentioned about cognitive impairment.

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I was diagnosed with ADHD after I started using AAS as well. But I also took plenty of rec drugs before that, and I figured that I was at least in part self-medicating for it. I did see something a while back about how guys on AAS were slower at decision making or something like that? It was a documentary maybe I can find the clip …

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I had ADHD a long time before I ever took my first SARM. Some of us go dumb because of steroids - others started dumb well beforehand :joy:.

I’m a strong advocate of the medications used to treat them, as long as the person being treated is cognizant of increased/decreased function. If taking the wrong thing, you can get yourself fucked up REAL quick.

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I think drugs that increase dopamine appeal a lot to those with ADHD / ADD. They feel good for normal minds, they feel great for the dopamine lacking mind.

I think if fitness wasn’t a big part of my life, that I’d probably be drinking more / using stuff like weed more.

the first go around I was around 7, so no sauce at that point haha.

I believe the main symptoms that got me interested in TRT were more so from ADHD than low T. Things like brain fog, fatigue, lack of concentration. I wish it had helped me with those things.

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TBH I think the TRT has been helping me with ADHD symptoms just as much as the Adderall.

Addys made me fire on all cylinders, TRT just put a turbo on it.

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How long have you been on TRT now? I did get a little mental boost initially, but I think that was placebo in hind sight.

Perhaps there was some real effect and some placebo. It wasn’t a lot though on the real effect if it did occur.

High dose (blast) does have a noticeable positive effect on anxiety though.

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8-10 weeks. (I’m aware this is the honeymoon phase)

Of course it very well could be placebo, but I don’t think it is honestly (said by every placebo patient ever lol). My worst days on TRT so far are about average for my best days natty. Whether placebo or not, this was a good choice for me.

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I also don’t regret going on Testosterone. It didn’t fix all that ails me, but the benefits have been worth it IMO.

I think as long as your BP and heart rate say in a good range, that combining the two (TRT and Adderall) may be pretty awesome. Psych drugs have a tendency to lower T. I think Adderall can do this too. Although it might be only initially (through an unintended fast cut diet that tanks natural production).

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