Fox News is running a program on steroid use this Sunday (June 20th) at 9 pm ET. Looks like the typical one-sided, complete garbage news that typically comes from Fox. Should have known they would do a piece on steroids soon.
Maybe someone should point out that the spare tires around these ass clowns also contribute to all sorts of shit that is going to make them die…and living where there is pollution will put you at a higher risk of “insert one of the bullshit arguments they use”. and going out side your fuckin air tight bubble will increase your risk of cancer…new flash YOU WILL DIE SOMEDAY…now go back to your shitty anchor office and have a nice tall glass of shut the fuck up!
That clip was hilarious!!! My protien shake shot through my nose. But it’s just depressing how ignorant the masses are to so many things. If only the public new what we knew…
I think that all of us should write into Fox News Channel and ask them to do a special on the number of people who die each year from taking the prescribed medicine that they got from their doctor and took them as directed. That is the real scary story.
I just watched the last half hour of the show, all I can say as a Sports Broadcast journalism major at one of the top Comm schools in the US: HO-LY SHIT! That bullshit will my tops of discussion ALL WEEK in my media ethics class.
And lets face facts people, if you suddenly have “aggression” all the time after you start using steeroids, you were probably in denial.
[quote]popasquat wrote:
They are calling creatine a steroid!!! AMAZING
Whoops! Maybe not, but they have it under the same category. [/quote]
Yes, that’s what I’m getting at. Then, in the mind of the average consumer of mass media, there is a connection, however completely erroneous and idiotic, of creatine to those eeeeeevil steroids. Subtle, but effective. It’s called “propaganda.” On a side note, I happened to catch a brief bit of one of those CSI Miami type shows. A bicyclist had died, and the cause of death was listed as “Creatine / Steroids.” The blitzkrieg has commenced!
OK I watched about the last half of this piece of crap.
What about this guy that had both of his legs amputated? Im no expert but how are steroids going to cause gangreen (dunno if I spelled that correctly)? seems to me he was probably using dirty needles. Can’t blame that on steroids.
I watched this special at my grandparents house, where I was spending the night. Why might you ask would a 24 year old man be sleeping over grandma &grandpa’s? Well my grandfather had cancer. He’s had asbestosis for awhile now and had regular physicals from our family doctor. Then a month or so ago he had trouble breathing and drove himself to the hospital. They said it was asthma. I questioned this quick bs diagnosis, considering his asbestosis and said it could be lung cancer. “Oh no it’s not lung cancer, just asthma.” Well I sure was fucking glad they cleared that up for me! A week or so later he went back into the hospital for what was diagnosed as a bleeding ulcer. HHHMMM, maybe something else is wrong I thought again. BUT once again the great people of our medical profession assure me it was O.K. “Just an ulcer, he’s probably just worried.” Once again real reassuring.
A few days later he feels soo terrible, that my aunt (a nurse) checks him into the E.R. Well a week or so worth of testing later and suprise suprise he has cancer on his lungs, adrenals, brain, and stomach. So after his second radiation treatment I spent the night to help him get up and basically carry him where he needed to go and do what ever I possibly could for him. REAL FUCKING dignified for a man who helped build the Twinn Towers and fight in the second World War. But hey our medical system knows best right. I mean it makes complete sense to give chemotherapy to a man who was going to be 80 years old in the next month. Right? Yeah, then after watching that little special I was really sure that my grandfather was in good hands and once I got home I was going to throw out all of my gear, ph’s and supps. I mean fuck if I was 79 years old and new I had cancer all over my body I’d want my doctor to try to convice me, in my terrified state, that pumping me full of drugs and radiation so that my last days on this earth were spent weaker that a motherfucking diseased kitten, pissing on myself because all of my fucking senses are gone I’d jump right aboard.
Well I woke up on monday morning after another ruff night. Fortunately my grandfather didn’t. No more pain for a man who certainly did not deserve it.
The point is do not blindy believe and follow. Take care of your own body and educate yourself on doing so. If there is any up side to all of this it’s that my parents have seen the error of our medical profession and will not take the same route the earlier generation (my grandfather) did. NOR WILL I.
Wideguy, that’s tragic about your grandfather and the sloppy and dismissive treatment he received. Well, at least we can all look forward to the day when medicine is socialized (i.e. government-run) under the guise of “quality healthcare for all.” It is going to happen. Think DMV. Think post office. Yes, it’ll be even better than it is now! One more reason to stay healthy.