Steroid References

Hi there everyone

just wanted to ask you guys if you know of any good reference books on steroids, that would include things like half lifes, aromatisation …etc etc…

i’d like to educate myself in these matters and would like to get hold of some sort of a serious material and not hear-say stuff :slight_smile:

your help is greatly appreciated

maybe you know of serious websites that contain the info of a reputable standard too :slight_smile:

stay strong
Zydrunas Savickas rules:)

This thread is a great place to start. It has references to all the books you need, halflives, etc.

i bought Anabolics 2003 by William Llewellyn, i guess its Anabolics 2005 now this book to a certain is helpful but dont take word on its content its correct(80%) but not fully correct. but i think its useful in the sense it gives u the pics of real drugs and fake ones. so tht u dunt end up wasting your $$ on some thing which is useless.