Recommended Reading

WhereZ can I get myself some steeroids?

Just kidding…

Anyway, I’m really interested in the topic, and I was wondering if you guys could recommend some books. I have some knowledge (enough to probably put together an OK cycle, PCT, and so on), but I would still like to become more knowledgeable before venturing to the dark side.

Anabolics 2005 is probably a good choice. Any others you might recommend?

Thanks in advance.

you are probably going to get enough info from the articles by Cy Wilson and Brian Batcheldor in the archives. other than that i would recommend author l. rea, though i have found his books lacking any more than his articles already provide (you can do a google search). anabolics 2005 is probably quite thorough if you want a reference book with a lot of profiles.

You could also google Bill Roberts for a lot of good info. Check out some of the other boards as well.

how could i forget bill roberts, he even posts here!

Also check out:

  1. The Steroid Bible, and
  2. World Anabolic Review (WAR - it’s an oldie, but a goodie)