Hello, I am on my first cycle of test enanthate 400 mg/ wk. I have injected 5 times by now. each time, I end up with serious PIP and some swelling and reddening. I was unsure if this was due to an allergic reaction to the oil or cellulitis. I am now leaning toward thinking it is cellulitis (I managed the previous injection with both antibiotics and allergy meds). I am considering discontinuing the treatments since I think the gear is infected. But before I do discard the second half of the vial, I’m wondering if anyone has any ideas to sanitize the gear. UV? heat? Any input would be appreciated.
Test is cheap man. Just get more. Your prob allergic to the carrier oil or the solvents used in the manufacturing process.
Your saying 400mg/wk but it’s not 400mg/ml test right? If it is that’s your issue.
yes, it is 400 mg/ml. hence 1 ml/wk. it’s not exactly easy for me to acquire more
That is your problem then. It’s too high of a concentration. Anything over 300mg/ml is trouble.
Test is pretty easy to get pretty much anywhere. Where are you located?
really? I thought 500 mg/ml was typical. do you think there is crystallization happening due to high concentration?
Nope, typically testE is 250mg/ml and cyp is 200mg/ml.
The crystallization comes from the hormone falling out of suspension. This happens if it gets too cold or it’s too concentrated. In your case prob the later.
so your theory is the pain and swelling may be due to test crystals in my muscle? if that’s the case do those dissolve over time?
No, it’s a fact that gear of that concentration will give you PIP.
If your gear has crystals and you still wanna use it then you need to boil some water, put a needle in the vial to equalize pressure and then set in in the water for a bit. The hormone will go back into suspension. It may not stay there but it will stay long enough to draw and inject. If it doesn’t go back then throw it out.
The pain will never get better with that concentration.
well, I don’t see any crystal in the fluid. it seems to be completely dissolved as I inject which is why I didn’t consider this to be the cause.
If it’s crystalized in the vial but not in the syringe it only means your getting less hormone in your injection than you think.
The pain is from the concentration and nothing else. High amount of solvents used to get the hormone dissolved into the oil.
IMO, stop using it and get something less concentrated. This prob will not get better.
I tried using 450mg/ml one time and got about three injections in and couldn’t deal with the PIP anymore. Lesson learned.
no, it isn’t crystallized anywhere as far as I can tell. but still, do you think I could dilute it with another oil?
Yes you can. You could get sterile oil for injection and mix it in. Would I do that? No, I would just get more test.
I’ll ask again, what country are you in? There are sources all over the world that will ship to your door or PO box.
USA. but I would be concerned about slow shipping but if you got a suggestion feel free to let me know however you see fit.