It’s all about the grind my man💪🏻
9 February
Half marathon - 1:47:20
Incredibly happy with a new PB. Ran my first half this time last year in 1:52:00 and my second in December in 1:49:55. Happy that training seems to be supporting the running and vice versa.
Unfortunately, I used a lot of today’s macros on my pre-run meal. Have a feeling that my wife may be avoiding me and my hanger later tonight!
But but but doesn’t running eat up all your gains!!!
Nice work mate!
Ha - not sure I’m anywhere near qualified enough to know what combining my weight training programme with my running programme does, but, for me, this is all a long term strategy. I’m happy if it takes a little longer, but I can fall out of bed and smash out a half marathon. I like the idea of being fit by different metrics.
Whilst I find weight lifting a good way to release tension, I personally find running is my meditative time - switch off, clock the miles and churn the thoughts.
The way I look at it is like this…
If you can…
Deadlift double your bodyweight
Squat one and a half/double your bodyweight
Perform 20 dead hang chins
Run a sub 7/8 minute mile
Then what else do you really need?
Anyone who can do that will likely look pretty damn good with the fitness to back it up.
10 February
Really struggled with motivation and any energy today
Recovery Run - 20minutes at 12km/h
Cable Face Pulls - 3 sets: 18.75 x 15
Machine Shoulder Press - 3 sets: 80kg x 15 13 12
Standing Cable Rear Delt Fly - 3 sets: 6.25 x 15; 3.75 x 15 15
Cable Cross Lat Raise - 3 sets: 3.75 x 15 15 15
Preacher Curl - 3 sets: EZ Bar seated plus 12.5kg x 15 15 15
Cable Tricep Push Down Using Rope Attachment - 3 sets: 16.25 x 15 15 15
Incline Seated Db Bicep Curls - 3 sets: 10kg x 15 15 15
Crunches - 3 sets: 15 15 15
11 February
Weight - 90.4kg
Body fat - 7.8%
Glute Barbell Raised Bench off Pins (Hip Thrusts) - 4 sets: 100kg x 6; 100kg x 12 12 12
Pendulum Squat - 4 sets: 35kg x 6; 35kg 12 12 12
Wide Grip Row (Seated Row) - 3 sets: 65kg x 12 69 x 12 12
70 degree bench Db Press - 3 sets: 24kg db x 12 26 kg db x 12 11
Leg Extension - 2 sets: 61kg x 15
Seated Cable Flyes (Elbow Straps) - 2 sets: 73kg x 15 15
Chest Supported 60degree
Reverse Flyes - 2 sets: 6kg x 15
Felt incredibly flat today. Waking up was a real effort (coming from someone that usually bounces out of bed) and the session this morning was another grind
Two weeks from my self-imposed deadline of finishing this cut. Contemplating a slight re-feed - increase the carbs by 80g tonight. The thought alone is putting a huge smile on my face - chocolate protein porridge some blueberries and the spoon dipped in crunchy peanut butter
Hopefully a really good night’s rest will sort me out too - crushed it this weekend with early mornings for the half marthon and then a late night here for the Eng v Wal game (didn’t kick off here until 2045)!
looking good man. can notice the improvement in imbalances
Thanks - it is encouraging to know that all the (frankly tedious) ancillary work for the past six months hasn’t been in vain. I know that there is still a long way to go, but I find it interesting that six months ago I could feel no activation in my back when rowing and now I ‘get’ that feeling. Plus the spike in my bench has been an unexpected benefit - turns out pressing from a more stable position leads to more wait pressed - who knew, huh?
12 February
Weight - 90.7kg
Last night’s chocolate protein oats with raspberries blackberries and a scraping of peanut butter were utterly incredible and I woke up this morning feeling reinvigorated.
Cable standing face pulls - 3 sets: 18.75 x 15
Standing cable overhead Tricep extensions - 3 sets: 18.75 x 15
Seated EZ Bar Preacher Curls - 3 sets: EZ Bar plus 12.5kg 15 15 20
Run - 30 mins 5.75km at around 11km/h and cranking it up in the last ten to finish at 13.5km/h
13 February
Weight - 90.5kg
Rack pulls (banded) - 1 set: 90kg x 6; 3 sets: 90kg x 12 12 12
Flat bench Fat Grip Db - 1 set: 36kg x 6 3 sets: 34kg dbs x 12 12 11
Cable Pulldown Pronated Grip - 3 sets: 61kg x 12 ; 63 x 12 12
Watson Machine Hamstring Curls - 3 sets: 55kg x 12 12 ; 50 x 10
Prime Leg Press with emphasis on top of the extension - 3 sets: 169kg x 15 ; 176kg x 15 14
Seated Tricep Cable Pull Downs - 3 sets: 45kg x 15 15 12
Crunches - 3 sets: x 15
Seated DB Lat Raise - 3 sets: 7kg x 15 15 15
Seated Cable EZ Fat Grip Bar Bicep Curls - 3 sets: 64kg x 15 ; 73kg x 12
Feeling a bit down about just how much work there is left to do on my right shoulder - think the lighting in this morning’s photograph more clearly shows the imbalance. I suppose I knew it would always be a long term fix and it has improved drastically in the past six months.
try not to worry too much my friend! just a bit longer and it will almost non noticeable!
Imagine where you will be in the next six months. Good work, keep pushing.
I14 February
Weight - 90.3kg
Cable standing face pulls - 3 sets: 18.75 x 15
Standing cable overhead Tricep extensions - 3 sets: 18.75 x 15
Seated EZ Bar Preacher Curls - 3 sets: EZ Bar plus 15kg 15 15 15
Seated Neutral Grip Row - 3 sets: 60kg 15 15 15 (really try to focus on the contraction at the end of the motion)
Run - 30 minutes at around 11.5km/h
15 February
Weight - 89.7kg
Glute Barbell Raised Bench off Pins (Hip Thrusts) - 4 sets: 105kg x 6; 105kg x 10 10 10
Pendulum Squat - 4 sets: 37.5kg x 6; 37.5kg 10 10 10
Wide Grip Row (Seated Row) - 3 sets: 69kg x 12 69 x 12 12
70 degree bench Db Press - 3 sets: 26kg db x 12 26 kg db x 12 11
Leg Extension - 3 sets: 70kg x 15
Seated Cable Flyes (Elbow Straps) - 3 sets: 73kg x 15
Chest Supported 60degree
Reverse Flyes - 3sets: 6kg x 15
Finished off with
Seated EZ Fat Grip Bar Curls - 3 sets: 73kg x 15 82kg x 15 12
Cable Tricep Pull Down Extensions Kneeling - 3 sets - 91kg x 15 100kg x 13 10