Staying Cut While On MAG 10

Have any of you used MD6 or T2 while on MAG 10 to stay cut. I’m not talking about Decreasing bf%, but maintaining it. Also, would MD6 give any energy boost that would increase workout intensity along with MAG 10. I’ve done one cycle of mag 10 and i had great results. I put on some fat though, which I don’t want to do this time. I followed massive eating and growth surge II and III. Thanks guys!

Well, MAG-10 didn’t make you fat, your diet did. But some fat gain is expected on a mass phase. Maybe just lower calories a bit the next time around. I just don’t see the point of taking a thermogenic on a mass phase, uless you like it for a pre-workout boost. T2 may be helpful though and I recall some of the T-mag staffers taking it while on a bulking phase.

I was using T2-PRO on my first MAG-10 cycle, but stopped midway because Biotest tech support recommended I stop. You could always call them to discuss your specific goals.