My main hobby is fiction writing, and yet I’ve always been terrible with titles
(Not so) Brief background about me:
- Was obese and pre-diabetic as a kid
- Turned it all around at 15 and became very active. Was lifting and doing conditioning every day.
- Both hip labrums tore at age 20 while walking, and both of my shoulders suddenly became extremely unstable.
- For the next 7ish years, I couldn’t even jog or do wall push ups without pain and inflammation. Obviously had to quit lifting because of this.
- Had two hip surgeries in 2018/2019 and was diagnosed with Elhers Danlos/Genetic Joint Hypermobility. Was told I’d never do a push up again.
- Being told that pissed me off, and my goal is to metaphorically beat my genetics into the ground as a sort of revenge.
Start of Revenge vs Now:
Just some PRs I’m proud of. The before is early 2020. The after is now or during the past few months.
Couldn’t do a split squat halfway down from the lowest couch in my house without bad hip pain
Did a moderately difficult 170 lbs x 12 (two 85lbs dumbbells) off the highest couch in my house two months ago. Also did an easy 120 lbs x 10 x 10. It’s only been one month since my PT gave me the green light to do bilateral squats, so I don’t know what I can do with both legs. Currently aiming for 210 lbs x 10 x 10 on each leg and then puke into a bucket haha. -
Literally couldn’t bend over with a straight back and hinge with my body without extreme effort haha
Did 305 lbs x 1, 275 lbs x 3, 255 lbs x 5, and 235 lbs x 10 on DB RDLs (total weight is both dumbbells). Currently aiming for 305 lbs x 20. -
Had to start with 3 lbs dumbbell rows and didn’t have the shoulder blade stability to bring the weight to my chest
Did 120 lbs x 3 x 10 followed by 130 lbs x 6 or so, each rep pausing a second on top and squeezing the back. Also did 160 lbs x 2 x 2 with no pause for fun. Currently aiming for 160 lbs x 5 x 10 with pauses. -
Couldn’t hold a remote control in front of my body without shoulder pain and inflammation
Did 224 push ups at 224 lbs with my feet on top of the highest couch in my house. Didn’t record the time, but I did them as fast as I could. -
Couldn’t hold a cup of coffee without extreme elbow pain and was too weak to do 3 lbs dumbbell curls
Can dumbbell and hammer curl 40 lbs for reps with a 1 - 3 second squeeze on top of each rep.
I could go on, but you get the idea
Actual Goal:
- Guy on left
“Reasonable Goal”:
I do two upper body sessions and one lower body session a week. My sessions are based upon what lifts I can do, and thankfully I’ve been able to do more exercises every month. I can probably move on to a more normal upper/lower by this summer, and also restart MMA training. Truthfully, I have no real plan outside of “get stronger for reps” and “eat to recover.” A big part of that is because I’m still limited in terms of what I’m allowed to do. However, I’ve always been way too “big picture” focused for my own good.
The way I set up my lift goals is like the following. This isn’t the exact list, but it’ll give you a good idea.
- Dumbbell Curl 25 lbs with squeezes (DONE)
- Dumbbell Curl 45 lbs with squeezes
- Dumbbell Curl 65 lbs with squeezes
- Dumbbell Curl 85 lbs with squeezes
I have 1 - 3 lifts per bodypart, with each lift getting 3 - 5 check points that increase in difficulty. The hope is that the process of reaching the final checkpoint will get me to my physique goal. If you can’t tell, I’m heavily inspired by Dante Trudel’s concepts and simplicity.
Lifts can change too once my joints allow for better options. For example, my checklist for Quads included the following:
- Bulgarian Split Squat 120 x 1 (DONE)
- Bulgarian Split Squat 170 x 10+, 120 x 10 x 10 (DONE)
- Bulgarian Split Squat 210 x 10 x 10
- Bulgarian Split Squat 300 x 10 x 10
However, once I start doing squats, I’ll most likely replace the last Split Squat checkpoint with “Front Squat 405 x 10 x 5” or something similar.
So, am I stupid or what?