my older brother wants to get stronger, he is basically a beginner, under 200 squat and 305 dead after a couple of months getting into it.
Is starting strength “ripptoe” OK for a 40 year old? It is 3x5 squats every training day, basically 3 days a week. I know a beginner is usually much younger and this program is geared to them.
Have you done something like this, was recovery an issue?
his proposed training:
day 1
squat 3x5
bench 3x5
dead 1x5
thanks for the feedback. Yo Momma, did you take extra breaks or modify the per week increases? How long did you end up staying on it? By the sound of your email (“Hasn’t killed me yet”) you are still on it, do you see good increases still?
I would be sure his mobility and flexibility are good, especially for squats and deads. I had some tight hip flexors and weak glutes, caused other muscles to get overworked during deads. Probably what led to my facet dysfunction.
Also recommend he learn to foam roll, tennis ball roll, etc.
In my 20’s I would have laughed at this kind of stuff, but now that I’m over 35, I feel the benefits first hand.
Ditto for the suggestion on checking hip flexibility. After sitting on a chair in an office for 20 years, my hips and hamstrings needed some work. Also, adequate warm ups are key.
I’m 50 and haven’t found any recovery problems. I don’t do starting strength but I have a steady diet of deadlifts, squats, dips, pull-ups, benches and rows. Like lots of other middle aged guys, I don’t have time for long gym sessions. Do “big lifts” and go home.
Learn to do YTML’s and do them. Fish oil. Have fun. This is a whole lot better than a couple of scotches after a stressful day.
[quote]Rek wrote:
thanks for the feedback. Yo Momma, did you take extra breaks or modify the per week increases? How long did you end up staying on it? By the sound of your email (“Hasn’t killed me yet”) you are still on it, do you see good increases still? [/quote]
I followed his program for about a year. I had never lifted before, and since there were only 4 compound exercises to master, it was a good place to begin. I alternated workouts and yeah, I did squats 3 times a week, starting out with just the bar until I got my form down.
The squats and DL’s the same day was a killer once the weight got heavy, so I increased the time between workouts to every 3 or 4 days. I have gone back to his routine several times, along with NROL. Take the recovery time if you need it.
I’m looking at 5/3/1 next. Now that just may kill me.