I have decided to start powerlifting. I’ve been switching around bb routines for the last six months and I just don’t enjoy it as much as I used to. I used to do poorly designed bb routines but my bench press was tested weekly and I have come to realize that the most fun I’ve ever had lifting was those weekly sessions where I would work up to a one rep max. But once my progress stopped due to poor training last year I stopped testing my max’s.
The problem is I don’t know a whole lot about powerlifting but instead of waiting and learning I’m just gonna start now and learn what I need to along the way.
To keep me strongly motivated to push myelf hard I plan on entering a provincial powerlifting competition a year from now.
In this thread I’ll update my training progress and post pics or videos so that my form can be judged and I won’t develop improper tendencies.
I weigh 210 pounds and my best lifts to date are…
I’ve never tested my squat because I’m unsure of my form. But I did squat 230 for 8 reps.
I want to enter a comp a year from now at 190-200 pounds with about 12% bf. I’m going to use the standard template article by Jim Wendler to develop my first program. After the first week I’ll post what I did so I can find out if my program is effective.
A question I have is, judging from my current numbers and my proposed size for competition, what would be some realistic but hard numbers that I should aim for. I plan on training raw and without juicing.
I really can’t wait to start.