Starting a New Cycle: Test C, Mast E, & Maybe 3rd Compound?

Hi! Been a while since my last post. Last year ran a cycle of ostarine 20mg a day, and a bigger sarms cycle of ostarine, rad 140 and a bottle of sarm mix with LGD, RAD, Ostarine, MK667 and Cardarine at the end. This caused me liver damage and suppressed my testosterone. Skin turned yellow on occasion and libido took a few weeks to recover. Got bloodwork and it was bad. Now 6months later got bloodwork again, test is back to 620ng/dl and liver values are back within tye reference range.

I liked the gains I’ve made and am thinking of running a proper steroid cycle. I have acquired 30ml of 250mg/ml test cyp, 20ml of 200mg/ml masteron enanthate, 50pcs nolvadex 20mg, 50pcs clomid 50mg tabs and 4000iu’s of HCG. im thinking of getting aromasin before i start.

My plan is to run the testosterone at 500mg/wk solo first for the first 5 weeks, then add in the masteron at 400mg/week for the last 10 weeks, then start the hcg, around one week after the last shot and the clomid and nolva around 2 weeks after the last shot. I was thinking maybe getting EQ for the first 5 weeks but that might be overkill, and due to my prior liver damage im not touching any orals. Any comments on this? Should i change the dosages? Pin the hcg differently? Any other comments. Will be posting pictures later to this thread when i start.

Btw my starting weight is around 210lbs or 95kg and height 5,11 or 181. My abs are somewhat visible, maybe around 15% bodyfat.

Lets do this first.

Leave the Mast out on first cycle. It’s effects are very mild and will go away when you stop taking it.

PCT could use some improvement:
-HCG 500iu 3x/wk after last pin
-Nolvadex 40,40,20,20
-no clomid

Please do post a picture.


Here are two pictures from last week


Ok, thank you! I planned to run the hcg only post cycle, not all the way through. Would you say there are any benefits to this or is it completely useless if i dont run it all the way trough?

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looking good.

My only recommendations are to adjust PCT as above and leave out Mast because it really only has a temporary effect… if you’re not going for a competition or specific photoshoot, it’s got very little benefit. Mast is also very harsh on lipids.

I misread your statement at first, so I edited my comment after realizing it.
Running HCG alongside your cycle can keep your balls going, instead of shutting them off and attempting to turn them back on later. It can be beneficial, but at the risk of estrogen issues. A low dose (250iu 3x/wk) could help you recover faster (most people don’t do this btw) with lesser risk of estrogen issues.

You could also extend your cycle out a bit longer as you won’t reach a ‘stable’ level until about a month in. 20 weeks is not unreasonable.
^You could also frontload for the first week or two and reach ‘stable’ in like 2 weeks instead of 4 (maybe 750mg first week, 600mg 2nd week, 500mg 3rd week onward).


Okay, i already bought the stuff, so just might save it. Harsh on lipids, damn i was not aware of that. Thats pretty disheartening.

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If you’re not planning on competing or anything - hold onto it for the summer, then plan a trip to the beach :laughing:

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Agree. It doesn’t sound like OP would be a good candidate for Mast anyways even if he had done a few cycles. It just doesn’t do much other than enhance appearance (it isn’t a good muscle builder). A first cycle should be about building IMO. Building in a caloric surplus. Mast is useful in a cutting cycle, which is outside the scope of a first cycle (again IMO).

It won’t do much in 5 weeks unless you are running a shit ton of it. It takes a long time to build up.

Now, I think EQ is probably the best second injectable for someone to use (Test and EQ stack). It doesn’t usually have bad side effects, and is fairly easy to manage. As a disclaimer I haven’t used it, but may in the future. It is on the short list of AAS I’d use. I don’t really buy the liver toxicity thing, or it at least isn’t anything comparable to using oral AAS.

Pretty good timing. I’d just run the HCG at 500 iu EOD until it runs out, then start the PCT.


Okay, 20 weeks would be nice too, im thinking maybe get another 10ml of test more and extend it out? Maybe front loading the extra bottle, pinning 750 for the first 3 weeks then dropping down to 500? Im propably not going to bother with doing hcg for 5 months though. And im planning to freeze up some sperm in case shit goes sideways, just to be safe its only 300 euros and 150euros/year from then on. Im also going to cut naturally from 220-> (210 now) to 200lbs, then start putting on lean muscle. I have a trip planned to Greece in august, thats why i bough the mast.

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Check out if you want to mess with frontloading dosages.

with the plan I listed above where
Week 1: 750mg
Week 2: 600mg
Week 3-20: 500mg
your release curve looks like this

If doing your plan where
Week 1-3: 750mg
Week4-20: 500mg

You don’t have to frontload, and there is mildly increased risk - but you’re already running AAS anyways so :man_shrugging:. If you were to frontload, relatively easy frontloading protocol is:
Week 1: 150% planned weekly dose
Week 2: 120% planned weekly dose
Week 3-end: 100% planned weekly dose
^Just easy numbers. You can get ultra detailed here if you want, but I like easy numbers.

Up to you - it can help with recovering HPTA function if you never ‘lose’ function, but I understand this decision. Like I said, most don’t do this.

Good plan.

If you’re starting this soon, you’ll have a couple months under your belt at 500mg/wk by then. Adding Mast for a couple weeks won’t kill you, but maybe keep your dosage lower (like 100-200mg/wk). You should plan ahead for how you will get your gear with you if flying.

I didn’t mention it, but you may want to consider pinning twice per week for more stable levels - if you weren’t planning on doing so already.

I’d encourage you to start a training log if that’s your style. If not, I would personally appreciate following along with some progress pictures.

Started the cycle today. Already cut weight from 215lbs/98kg to 200lbs/91kg fully naturally in 8 weeks. Feeling quite depleted but lost some bellyfat and water weight. Will post starting point pictures tomorrow when I get a pump. Will heed your advice and start with 750/750 test e /eq first week then 600/600 next week then 500/500 from there on. I still have only 20ml of eq which will only last me 10 weeks. Should I buy 10ml more to make it 15 weeks of EQ to fully feel the effects? And have the 20ml on masteron E on hand, maybe going to add it halfway through the cycle if E2 levels look and feel good. Or should I ditch it and do primobolan instead? I have a trusted source for primo and price isn’t really a problem right now. Im also doing a training journal in the app i have my coaching trough. My coach also said he will not advice me on steroids since the accountability on my health but he is okay with it and does steroids himself too.

You may want to research a bit more before you jump in. Your all over the place.
You don’t need to frontload the test. The EQ should be 15 weeks min, 20 is better.
Do you even know what masteron is used for? Why would you add primo in half way? If your already running EQ no need for primo.


Yes sir. I already jumped on. Did 750 test and eq but now dropped them both to 500/500. Im taking your advice and running EQ for almost the whole duration of the 18 week cycle. Stopping eq two weeks before the test enanthate to allow more time to clear the long ester. Im going to add masteron in at week 9 at 500mg a week.

I have one problem though. I got arimidex instead of aromasin. Will 0,5mg twice a week be too much? Im worried about crashing my E2 with eq in there. Help would be welcome

Arimadex is a fine AI but with EQ you may need none.

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Personally, I’d pull blood work before using an AI with Test / EQ.

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