Started TRT 6 Months Ago, Having Side Effects

I started down the TRT pathway several years ago, but only in the past 6 months have I been on a TRT protocol (a few actually).
I started TRT due to all classic low T symptoms, brain fog, fatigue, low libido, ED, poor sleep, etc.
I am still cautiously optimistic that i will eventually stumble upon a protocol that works, but have tried a couple for 6-8+ weeks without any symptom relief.
I used to be able to fake my way through low libido and ED with Cialis, but for a period of time after starting TRT, Cialis stopped working, then started working again and recently stopped working again. In Canada (where i live), a 20mg tab of Cialis runs about $17. which means if you want to have sex three times a week and are dependent on Cialis, you’re spending $2600 per year; which is not an insignificant sum, especially if it doesn’t work.
some of the other side effects i have or are currently experiencing while on TRT are:
peripheral neuropathy; where my hands go numb, primarily while laying down.
blurry vision - find it difficult to read text
phlegm in the back roof of mouth - the other side effects seem somewhat normal and are listed in the possible side effects and are somewhat common. This phlegmmy thing is not listed anywhere that i could find. Not really an issue, just an observational annoyance. I seem to wake up fine and it seems to show up mid morning and persists throughout the day; not really getting any better or worse.
Anybody else experience any of these sides; or had any success in correcting them?

Do you have blood work to share?

It is impossible to know what is wrong if you aren’t showing your blood work.

bloodwork was shared in other posts; this was meant to be more anecdotal. I have attached my latest bloodwork from Feb. when i was doing about 175mg/wk on daily IM injections test CYP, no AI

Wow! I’m in Ottawa and my Uro says nobody gets more than 120mg a week. LOL How did you manage a script for 175mg. Niiiiice!

(I add 30mg a week on my own to his 120mg prescribed. Fall off the truck specials. Hehehhh.)

Get your cialis online for Christ’s sake. It’s so cheap.

I get my generic viagra for like $120 shipped from India. 80 100mg pills. Works fine

rabbit_ears… this wont help your trt situation but check out Canadian Pharmacy World. Get your doctor to fax your script to them. You can get 88 generic cialis 20 mg for $300. Real stuff with a script. Iv been dealing with them for a while.

phil65, my heathcare provider is a nurse practitioner and she wrote the script for 20mg daily (140mg/wk), but when i draw up the 20mg, i draw up the air 0.05ml of air into the syringe as well which draws all the test in the needle into the syringe. Inverting the syringe so the air bubble is against the plunger, results in injecting 25mg/day instead of 20mg/day. That’s how i got to 175mg. However, she would write me a script for 30mg/day if we thought it would help. I don’t think i need to based on my bloodwork and she doesn’t like my E2 being that high. I did run 140mg for 6wks prior to going to 175mg for about 10wks. Neither showed any symptom relief, if anything, a few more sides; most notable being the blurry vision. I have recently changed to 125mg/wk on an eod injection schedule to see if that’s any better. will run that for the balance of the summer and see where we are

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what site you using roscoe88? you live in the states? i cant seem to get the india stuff here in canada

I’d say it’s pretty likely you won’t need 20mg to get it up. Go ahead and use it the first couple of times in the confidence that it’ll get the job done. Then as your anxiety about not being able to do the deed fades away a bit…give it a try with half a pill and see what happens. You might even find 5mg does it for you. It’s plenty for me.

That said…the generic 20s cost me about a buck each down here, so it’s not a big deal. 5mg is available as a daily dose and does other good things for ya.

what site do you use to get the india stuff. I cant seem to get it shipped to canada

I think this site takes down information posted about where to get cialis/viagra

But i like alldaychemist

i checked all day chemist and they are a bit sketchy. you dont need a script either. tells me the drug is not legit

I can tell you they are legit.

I’ve ordered many times.

i will try them. Thanks for the tip. Is there any particular brand you find better from the of cialis and viagra?

just tried and they dont ship to canada

I’ve seen a few posts about this place and they have generic cialis and I think ship to Canada. But, other than that, I don’t know anything else. Maybe somebody dealt with them.

Wow, those prices are crazy! I pay $26.19 for 90 5mg daily Tadalafil (generic Cialis) at my local pharmacy. That works out to 3.4 cents per pill. Can’t beat that deal.

There might be cheaper for sure… I know I looked all over a while ago for a place that ships to Canada and couldn’t find one. Not really interested in using a credit card either. I was eyeing this place up for proviron.

where is your local pharmacy? those are great prices!

I’m in Colorado Springs, CO, USA. I use King Sooper’s Pharmacy for the Tadalafil. Check the GoodRx Coupon, they’ll have the best prices in your area if you’re in the US. No idea about other countries though.