I have been doing strength training from last 5 months. Wants to know what body fat% I have??
Where I stand now being a ordinary gym guy not a professional??
What should be my future training strategy??
I am 170 cms long. Weighing around 145lbs.
What will be ideal weight and body fat % for my height with good muscle definition ??
sorry for my bad english. <img src=“//cdck-file-uploads-global.s3.dualstack.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/tnation/uploads/default/original/3X/f/3/f3467cf7940a8abc6b87b586e69658b53325e8d2.jpg” width=“406” height=
- Nobody can tell you what body fat percentage you have, even if your picture showed more than just your arms.
- You stand wherever the hell you think you stand.
- Your future training strategy depends entirely upon what your goals are.
- Nobody can tell you your “ideal”. It’s yours.
Assuming you didn’t do manual labor for years before strength training I’d say you’ve made very good progress.
Edit: I’m not meaning to sound harsh here. It just is what it is. If you have an idea of your goals then share them and people much more qualified than I can help you. If you’re happy with your progress, and I hope you are considering you have big fucking arms for a guy who’s only trained for five months, then keep going and enjoy the process.
I was doing exercises but I took 2 years break and started again since last 5 months. I just wanted to know proportionate weight for my height and wanted to gain muscles without fat. What should be my calorie intake and ratio of carbs fat and protein.
I may seem idiot but do not have any solid strategy to start with.
you should read a lot.
Nobody can tell you what you should be eating without knowing what you eat now. I know people who have to eat extraordinarily clean, healthy foods to have any chance at being lean. I know people who do well with cutting carbs very low. I know people who do well on low fat diets. I, personally, can eat junk food all day and get lean. I can’t advise you in ANY of these directions without knowing more about your current diet.