I’m a 30 years old, a bit overweight but not too much, also have decent muscle mass(1.85, 102kg, my optimal weight is around 90kg).
The last two years I had low-normal T and many of the symptoms(decreased libido(although still good), low-energy, low-motivation, very hard recovery after weight lifting and so on). These were my results at 06.03.2019:
TSH | S | 1.73 | µIU/ml | 0.27 - 4.20 | ECLIA | |
LH | S | 2.65 | IU/L | 1.70 - 8.60 | ECLIA | |
FSH | S | 1.13 | IU/L | 1.5 - 12.40 | ECLIA | |
Prolactin | S | 352.6 | mIU/L | 84.80 - 318 | ECLIA | |
Estradiol | S | 16.04 | ng/L | 7.63 - 42.60 | ECLIA | |
Testosterone | S | 14.14 | nmol/l | 9.90 - 27.80 | ECLIA | |
Free Testosteron | S | 9.1 | ng/l | 8.30 - 40.10 | RIA | |
DHEA-s | S | 8.63 | µmol/l | 4.34 - 12.20 | ECLIA | |
SHBG | S | 32.09 | nmol/l | 18.30 - 54.10 | ECLIA | |
Cortisol (morning) | S | 303.1 | nmol/l | 133 - 537 | ECLIA | |
Cortisol (afternoon) | S | nmol/l | 68.20 - 327 | ECLIA | ||
PSA | S | 0.545 | ng/ml | 0.010 - 1.400 | ECLIA | |
Complete Blood Picture | ||||||
leukocytes | EB | 6.43 | G/l | 3.5 - 10.5 | DC+LD | |
erythrocytes | EB | 5.11 | T/l | 4.5 - 5.90 | DC-det. | |
hemoglobin | EB | 153 | g/l | 140 - 180 | SLS | |
hematocrit | EB | 0.45 | l/l | 0.40 - 0.53 | calc | |
MCV | EB | 87.3 | fl | 80 - 96 | Calc. | |
MCH | EB | 29.9 | pg | 28 - 33 | Calc. | |
MCHC | EB | 343 | g/l | 300 - 360 | Calc. | |
Trpmobociti | EB | 218 | G/l | 140 - 440 | DC-det. | |
RDW-SD | EB | 37.9 | fl | 35.10 - 43.90 | calc. | |
RDW-CV | EB | 11.8 | % | 11 - 14.40 | calc. | |
PDW | EB | 13.5 | fl | 9 - 17 | calc. | |
MPV | EB | 10.7 | fl | 9.40 - 12.40 | calc. | |
P-LCR | EB | 31.6 | % | 13 - 43 | calc. | |
PCT | EB | 0.23 | l/l | 0.17 - 0.35 | calc. | |
Total Cholesterol (Chol.) | S | 3.91 | mmol/l | 3.5 - 5.20 | PHOT | |
HDL-Cholesterol (HDL-C) | S | 1.31 | mmol/l | > 1.5 | PHOT | |
LDL-Cholesterol(LDL-C) | S | 2.59 | mmol/l | 0 - 3.35 | PHOT | |
Trigleceridi (Tg) | S | 0.51 | mmol/l | 0 - 1.70 | PHOT | |
Glucose | S | 5.19 | mmol/l | 2.80 - 6.10 | HK | |
IGF-1 (Somatomedin C ) | S* | 191 | ug/L | 98 - 282 | CLIA | |
25-OH-Vitamin D | S | 41.35 | ng/ml | > 30 | ECLIA |
I did NMR of the pituitary suspecting adenom.It turned out that I do not have such, but I have a condition called empty sella syndome. My frontal pituitary is a bit decreased and this is where LH and FSH are secreted. As you can see they are very low in my blood work. So all sounds logical up to here.
I made a consultation with a TRT clinic and they decided to put me on clomid(12.5mg 3 times a week) and caber(0.125mg 2 times a week), they said to test my body. They said I may be able to restore my T production with long-term usage of clomid. But they were not sure It will remain after I stop. And I do not like to take this shit for years. As for the caber, I think they told me I can stop it after certain time and the prolactine levels must remain normal. But I did not understand how much time to take it.
I started this protocol 12 days ago and I decided on my own to add boron(to reduce SHBG increase from clomid) and I took a few times DIM(fearing to raise estrogen from the clomid) and I continue to supplement Vitamin-D, Vitamin-C and ZMA.
Yesterday decided to take preliminary blood tests, only the cheapest, because I will make again full after a month:
Prolactin | S | 283.5 | mIU/L | 84.80 - 318 | ECLIA | |
Estradiol | S | 21.92 | ng/L | 7.63 - 42.60 | ECLIA | |
Testosterone | S | 18.15 | nmol/l | 9.90 - 27.80 | ECLIA |
Seems clomid and caber treatment work very fast. Testosteron has risen and Prolactin has decreased a bit. The problem is I feel more shitty after started the medications. Especially every time I take clomid I feel weaker, also my errection quality has decreased.
Can I expect a turn in this negative effects from the treatment? How long to keep pushing with the fucking clomid?
The caber my local endo told me I need to take it at least six months to sustain the drop in prolactine. But I fear my levels may become too low for so long time. Caber also makes me feel bad, but not nearly as the clomid.
But the clomid will definetely not be a long term solution for me, I just feel shitty from it. Issue is even the TRT clininc were reluctant to put me on TRT and shut down my system, and my main concern is fertility - I do not have kids yet.