Squatting Problems

Can you explain to this newbie how to determine 60% of his max load, when he doesn’t know how to perform the lift yet?

If it was your first day to squatting, the I would STRESS the warm ups and stretching…at LEAST 20 minutes before even the first set. Once you get flexable, it is easier to pick up. Pay particular attention to stretching your hips/quads/hams.

Great advice given above. I agree that you should start with higher reps (10+ for now) and focus on form. Placing the bar lower on the back takes stress off of the lower back, but if you’re really skinny, just put it wherever it feels comfortable. Kudos on going all the way down, not many people do that. Don’t listen to anyone at your gym, someone will probably tell you you’re doing it wrong. I believe the best advice is on this forum. Just so you know, I started out with about the same weight as you did. By the way: ARE YOU USING A BELT? Don’t. Instead, focus on being concious of your trunk throughout the set, keeping a tight lower back (never round) and contracting the abs (sucking in your gut). The muscles you have (used correctly) will protect you much better than a belt ever could.

My suggestion is to start incorporating some front squats into your routine. They will help keep your back upright (taking the stress off your lower back and helping your form for heavier squats)