Squats, Too Much Ass

i go deep on squats (halfway between parallel and grass) and now after 2 months of this my ass sticks out noticably and there are stretch marks all over it. i only want quad development now. should i go down only to parallel because it feels to me that below parallel it activates the glutes mostly.

Try front squats or a narrower stance.

Switch to front squats.

I agree about switching up to front squats. Another good idea would be to post in CT’s locker room thread, he should be able to give you some good suggestions.


jeeez…i’m doing all i can to make my butt grow as big as i can get it haha

[quote]Brahms wrote:
i go deep on squats (halfway between parallel and grass) and now after 2 months of this my ass sticks out noticably and there are stretch marks all over it. i only want quad development now. should i go down only to parallel because it feels to me that below parallel it activates the glutes mostly.[/quote]

Do people call you names??


[quote]brian.m wrote:
jeeez…i’m doing all i can to make my butt grow as big as i can get it haha[/quote]

Dude, your collar needs to be flipped up.

your glasses need to be bigger? i dont get it

[quote]brian.m wrote:
your glasses need to be bigger? i dont get it[/quote]

Me neither…

Boys boys

[quote]Rockscar wrote:
brian.m wrote:
your glasses need to be bigger? i dont get it

Me neither…


i have the same problem. the stretch marks are nasty. i’m not sure what to tell you. i’ve been looking for a way to get my quads to fire and haven’t really found a solution…besides extensions…ughhh.

i’ve tried front squats too. i’ve got up to 225+ for reps but my ass is still the only thing that fires during the movement. i’ve also tried single leg work but that just made the problem worse.

i’ve read on this site that you are suppose to push with the heels during squats and deadlifts, right? this activates the hams and glutes, right? so, if i wanted to get my quads to fire, i’d push off the balls of my feet?

Front squats and hack squats. If you want to hit the vastus medialis, you should try some TKEs and sled work. TKEs and sled work are in this vid: Squat Rx #6 (Part I) - YouTube

thanks for the advice guys. i’ll give front squats a try. never did em before really so i’ll have to drop the weight quite a bit but hey gotta start somewhere.

and itsthenickman, i actually find that pushing off the heels hits the quads more than leaning forward and pushing off the feet balls… balls for me makes it work the lower back and hams/glutes more.

Sounds like your Glute dominant in the SQ. The Leg Press might be a better choice to increase your quad development.

Front and Hack Squats are the way to go. You have basically gotten really good a doing a correct squat. This is what happens.

Try putting two 5 lb plates or a board about an inch or so thick under your heels when you squat. It forces the weight to your quads even if you’re still trying to push off of your heels (which you should).

Works every time for me.
