[quote]NeoSpringy wrote:
I heard that back squat has better transfer to snatch, where as front squat better transfer to clean and jerk.
the second is obvious but not so sure about the BS → snatch transfer???[/quote]
Where did you hear this?
For me Front Squat is an easier measure of suitability then the Back squat. Most people hack their back squats up, but you can’t hack a front squat so much. Generally the front squat is much stricter then most people’s back squat as it’s harder to cheat a front squat. It doesn’t mean jack sh!t if you can back squat XXX if you can’t front squat it out of the Clean receive position.
[quote]alexus wrote:
I wondered about that… Figured that overhead squatting for snatch would be like front squatting for clean. Overhead squatting does (to me) feel a bit more like back squatting in the sense that you are able to sit your butt back more with a balanced bar (if your shoulder flexibility is good). Someone suggested that the squat component of the snatch wasn’t typically the limiting factor, though (but its possible I’m misrepresenting that).[/quote]
Overhead squats imo aren’t needed if you can front and back squat ‘strictly’ with good form. But it may work for you if you have certain issues/ weaknesses. You already have the flexibility and it just isn’t really needed imo. A few lifters do it but on the whole most don’t do it once they are beyond beginner, have gained the flexibility to snatch properly. People are rarely strength limited in getting out of the whole in the Snatch. Of course if you don’t have the flexibility to Snatch/ OHS, the OHS is a good way to work your mobility.
If you squat Jerk then yeah, you’ll be hammering the OHS.