In the rack?
Squats… but a couples‘ workout with 5kg big as bumper plates to a high box with a $1000 dollar Eleiko Power Bar.
In the rack?
Squats… but a couples‘ workout with 5kg big as bumper plates to a high box with a $1000 dollar Eleiko Power Bar.
Yeah bumper plates in the power rack is a dick move. Unsure if it’s worse than bumpers on the leg press.
Assuming limited bumpers and lots of regular weights.
A one thousand dollar dollar bar? How much is that in regular dollars?
Haha! I read it that way too.
I used to deadlift in the power rack. At a commercial gym there aren’t extra bars and taking a bench’s bar is a hyuge sin. No one squats really anyways.
I always love the guys in a hoodie with the hood pulled down over their face, shadowing boxing with dumbbells directly in front of the DB rack. They usually superset this with burpees or something of the like, still directly in front of the DB rack. I never knew Rocky worked out in a commercial box gym
I take a disproportionate amount of joy walking in between those people and the dumbbells. Forcing them to move from directly in front of the dumbbells is just something that delights me. I imagine these are the same people that go to a buffet, put food on their plate, and eat it right there in line, rather than taking it back to their table.
To make this a combination of squat rack curls and the confession thread, I confess that, sometimes, I’ll go and grab a pair of dumbbells I don’t even need, just so I can walk between this person and the dumbbell rack and force them to move.
Now this, this is the type of pettiness I truly enjoy.
My gym now has two heavy MMA (it says so on the side) bags hanging in the main area. I never knew there were so many kickboxers in the town.
The bags probably weigh 60 lbs and one jackass thought he needed a two step start to do a pretty standard kick sending the lower half of the bag flying into lane 1 of the track. I was running past in lane 2 at the time.
One guy in my gym will curl in the rack if its quiet but I’ve seen him give it up for a squatter which I say is fair.
Personally I often do RDLs in front of the rack after front squats. Again I’d give it up and find another bar if someone wanted to squat though…
I was going to type “3 fiddy”. Then I slapped myself. Gotta stay off reddit.
The correct vernacular is “tree fiddy”
Not if it’s the only place in the gym where you can do them without tripping people as they walk by as is the case in my local gym.
Can’t wait to get the house finished so I can set up my basement gym.
I used to do standing Calf raises in the squat rack. That’s way worse than any curls… I hope…
No. Not in slightest…No.
Some knuckle heads decided to completely snatch the one and only bag we had completely off of the supporting beams of the cage we have for multi-purpose calesthenics and gymnastics type stuff. I wasn’t there, but one of my spotting friends was and told me what happened.
There were two guys who were basically hanging on it, and doing those sit-ups where you hang on with your legs. I find that exercise rather useless, when weighted ab work works just as well, if not better.
Once had a guy in a hoodie dancing and another guy wearing beats who must have thought he was at a dr dre concert.
I deadlift in the squat rack because the very bottom beams (not to be confused with the safety beams, that you put in use to catch the weight if you fail), provide the perfect 1-2inch deficit from the ground for pulling days, which I find a tad bit easier than having to hunt down the mats.
In defence of the rack pull deadlift, it was used by one of the biggest MF’s of all time… Dorian Yates. He found it worked better for him hypertrophy wise, rather than conventional dead’s.
Also works if you have an injured back.
Most people should be doing regular dead’s outside of power rack though.
One time at my gym there was a guy doing dumbbell curls with the 10s and would superset every rep with a backflip and he did it right in front of the dumbbell rack.