Squat Jerk Thread

I don’t believe the squat jerk is anywhere near as efficient as either the split jerk or the power jerk, for that matter. I think it will always be a jerk that can be used to advantage by a few elite shorter lifters who have tremendous speed and flexibility and, simply, not to far to drop.

For others, including our own great lifter, Kendrick Ferris, I consider it a bad option. He, like some others, might have the speed, flexibility and athleticism to accomplish this lift, but that doesn’t mean that it’s their best option. (I have seen the youtube lifts and I just saw his lifts at the Arnold, as well. I’d have him go back to power jerking.)

And, I would certainly not teach it to any group of athletes exxcept certain olympic lifters.


i could well be wrong… but i’ve noticed a few people who seem built to squat who have trouble jerking what they can clean. i wonder if squat jerking might be a better option for them? other people seem to have a harder time with their squats… so might be better split jerking?

i guess ‘most efficient’ is hard because of different measures of efficiency…

since the bar is on the shoulders for the start of the clean how far under it one needs to get depends on the length of ones arms / speed. longer limbed people are likely to have a harder time with squats, too…