Can you guys critique my squat form, thanks in advance
Certianly not bad form.
Is this a form check?
When you use the word “help” - it suggests you have a particular problem in mind…
K was wondering if this depth would have been a good lift in a powerlifting meet
Hi, your upper body is “folding” under the weight. Try to keep your chest up and elbows pointing down.
Working your back (erectors) will help build stability there. I think your depth is just shy of passing strict judging. Lower the weight and really sink in there. Master the form…the weight will come.
Keep at it…you are young and will get very strong quickly.
can we get a shot from the back and from an angle so we can see more of your body?
Yes, next time that I squat, next week thursday, Ill record 2 sets one from opposite sides, I think that I am going to implement a wider stance on my squats, seeing that on my deload this week they felt much more natural.
You have the unfortunate situation of very long femurs. You are not deep enough and you are too bent over.
Now I think that this can be fixed but you need to do A LOT of mobility work. look up MobilityWOD or Kstarr and check out his videos on hip mobility. You need to learn to really open up the hips to facilitate a more upright torso, otherwise you will never hit depth and will always be good morning the weight.
Other than that… Tighten up, especially the upper back. Pull elbows under the bar.
Have a look at the end of the bar in your vid, see how it travels down but forward of your center of balance. Try the suggestions in the above posts to get the bar in a central position. This center line can be judged in the vid by looking at your feet, the bar should stay to the center of your feet all the way down and up if you were to draw a line from the bar end to the center of your foot.
I would have stopped after the third rep. Those grinding reps where your body is buckling isn’t doing you any good. Practice makes perfect. Those crappy reps will only hinder that.
EDIT - Try lowering the weight (a lot) and focusing on perfect set-up and form, controlled explosion out of the hole, and practice it every day. Yes, even on bench press and curl day.
Squats 245 x 12 - YouTube Here it is guys, decide that I would try again with tips you gave me, hows this look
Depth is fantastic. Back is still loose. Arch harder and rip that bar into your back.
Again, learn to really drive the knees out so they are almsot like out over the small toe. This will help you a lot with keeping tight.
Otherwise, a lot of good progress. good job.
Did anyone else notice the wierdness going on where the bar is all cock-eyed and crooked in relation to the squat rack ? Im just mentioning . Dont want to be all asymetrical and such.
My squat rack is not square to the rack, that’s why it looks weird
Square to the wall *