I’ve always squatted high bar, narrow stance and all that. This is close to the first time I’ve low bar squatted. I know I’m going too deep. Force of habit
Here’s a successful one (skip to 1:14):
And an unsuccessful one (skip to 0:40. Watch til the end and you can laugh at me being a little bitch for missing it…):
Thoughts on form, weakness, etc would be very helpful! Thanks.
^This. You are not going as deep as you think you’re going. A lot of people think they’re going deeper than they’re (I’m also guilty of this). From the angle though it looks like it’d pass at most feds (possibly), but you’re definitely not going olympic ATG or whatever people call it these days. You seem to be failing at the upper back and not the legs. SSB good mornings could help that. I’d also watch these.
The psych-up time is more the opposite actually. Trying to focus on my cues and visualize, though I will admit I had no idea I was taking THAT long haha. Wide stance and sitting back are far from second nature right now…
Not even bein funny about them. You wont be able to push your knees out and sit back in any pants other than some really stretchy pajama pants or anything like that.
I am all about the psyche up time, but always treat it like a meet - 1 minute to do it.
They did actually cause me some trouble shoving my knees out. They were never a problem in the past with more upright, narrow stance squats. So at least I have an excuse.