Just giving a little update on my progress. Some of you might have seen a couple other videos of me here recently (the son in the father son 410 sqauts). The record for my division is 502lbs and here’s 480 with 4 weeks to go. Right now we’re thinking this or something around 480 for the opener.
Open to all critiques, compliments, and complaints. Lets here it
im not sure if the link is working so you might have to copy and paste.
Nice squatting. I have no constructive criticism. The only thing I’d say is that you’re a slow(er) squatter – maybe give some of the Titan gear a try. I squat in a similar style as you do and I’ve found the Titan stuff to be more stop in the hole type gear and the inzer gear, especially the hardcore, to be more rebound.
What about his squatting style is slow? I thought everything was smooth, he was quick out of the hole. Do you mean that hes not a deep bouncer in the bottom?
OP, nice work. I give you credit for no racking the bar and redoing the first set. i wouldve reracked after the bar rolled lol. hope you get the numbers youre looking for.