Great thread. I’ve been doing sprints as just about 100% of my cardio for the last 3 years. I still play flag football as well as lift weights, and sprinting seems to help both.
I do them 3x per week.
I keep it simple, just mix in some long, intermediate, and short sprints.
Today, I did (remember, I’ve been doing them 3 years):
8 x 400m sprints, with a 1:30 rest in between each sprint. They take me around 1:15 to complete each one.
8 x 200m sprints. 1:30 rest in between
8 x 60m. Maybe 30 seconds of rest in between.
So, 24 sprints altogether. This took me about 45 minutes.
[quote]ProRaven wrote:
Great thread. I’ve been doing sprints as just about 100% of my cardio for the last 3 years. I still play flag football as well as lift weights, and sprinting seems to help both.
I do them 3x per week.
I keep it simple, just mix in some long, intermediate, and short sprints.
Today, I did (remember, I’ve been doing them 3 years):
8 x 400m sprints, with a 1:30 rest in between each sprint. They take me around 1:15 to complete each one.
8 x 200m sprints. 1:30 rest in between
8 x 60m. Maybe 30 seconds of rest in between.
So, 24 sprints altogether. This took me about 45 minutes.
Good luck![/quote]
Shit man that’s good. I tried going 400m the first time and half way through I was like fuck it and started with a shorter distance.
For starting out, this might be of benefit to you. It will get you in great shape and also lean you out. I got it out of a Navy Seal Fitness book that I have. This is supposed to be done after a swimming workout. I cannot even complete this on it’s own. It was quite humbling for me. I am in terrible shape.
3 mile track workout:
Jog 1 mile in 7 minutes.
Sprint 400 m
jog 400 m in 2 minutes
Sprint 400 m
jog 400 m in 2 minutes
sprint 200 m
jog 200 m in 1 minute
sprint 200 m
jog 200 m in 1 minute
sprint 200 m
jog 200 m in 1 minute
sprint 200 m
jog 200 m in 1 minute
The book says if you have trouble completing this, then substitute the words sprint/jog with jog/walk. Which I have been doing lol.
I have been doing this twice a week. I just recently started and have been seeing my times improve pretty quickly. I can now actually run a mile without having to stop in the middle.
My friend is an Australian Champion (amateur) boxer and im a lowly PT with a bit of experience in various sports and lifts ect. and we put together a sprinting/various running type things program for us that consists of 3 days a week (Monday, Thursday, Saturday). They consist of:
Day 1.
10x10 meter sprints and we take turns dragging a 15kg plate on a rope.
5x25 meter sprints, again taking turns with the plate except the person with the plate starts roughly 2 seconds before the other so we can play a bit of catch-up.
1-3 100 metre sprints depending on how we feel.
Day 2. We do a few ladder drills and I’m at work so I cant post vids.
5 Ladder runs (knees up, straight through) then 1 leg hops x5 (10 times in total).
5 ladder runs with a 1 foot in 1 foot out kind of drill then bounding for 20 meters.
Start on knees then jump into a squat position → skip for hight for 20 meters → bounding 20 meters X6
Day 3.
20 metre sprint 10 jog (very slow), 30 metre sprint 10 jog then 30 metre sprint, turn around and go run back.
We do that 10 times.
This program changes every 6-8 weeks and is what we are currently doing. This benefited both of us greatly with the main one being the power of his punches (which went through the roof). This also helped with both of our oly. lifts and for conditioning.
NOTE: we did this on a 400 meter, grass, athletics track (obviously) and various meters and points were marked out.
here is what a speed routine may look like do weight on the same day as speed work not tempo…you could also add some plyo
[quote]Dan1990 wrote:
here is what a speed routine may look like do weight on the same day as speed work not tempo…you could also add some plyo
6x150m 65%-75%
Max Velocity
6x fly 30 or 20m
6x150m 65%-75%
Acceleration/Max Velocity
That’s pretty much what I was planning to write.
As for repeat 400s in 75 secs that someone wrote, that’s tempo not sprints.
You can do tempo between speed days, 1500-2000 metres of running at 75%, so 16s run (100m), walk 100m, 34s run (200), walk 150m.
Walk for twice the time of your run (16 sec run, 32 sec walk), and do a pattern like (100,200,100) x 4.
If you wanted a speed endurance session then maybe 3-4 x 120m at 95%, with 10-15 minutes rest between each one.
[quote]Fezz wrote:
Dan1990 wrote:
here is what a speed routine may look like do weight on the same day as speed work not tempo…you could also add some plyo
6x150m 65%-75%
Max Velocity
6x fly 30 or 20m
6x150m 65%-75%
Acceleration/Max Velocity
That’s pretty much what I was planning to write.
As for repeat 400s in 75 secs that someone wrote, that’s tempo not sprints.
You can do tempo between speed days, 1500-2000 metres of running at 75%, so 16s run (100m), walk 100m, 34s run (200), walk 150m.
Walk for twice the time of your run (16 sec run, 32 sec walk), and do a pattern like (100,200,100) x 4.
If you wanted a speed endurance session then maybe 3-4 x 120m at 95%, with 10-15 minutes rest between each one.[/quote]
The speed endurance session you listed there is special endurance 1, not speed endurance.
Great feedback. I would only emphasize the following:
start slow. I mean, like run 3x50m, and 3x100m, and then walk away. That’s only 6 sprints, but you will be sore the next day. Trust me.
Measure your volume. I keep track how many meters I sprint each workout. As long as I finish around 3200-3600 meters, I know I’m in the range I need to be.
Keep track of your times. Don’t be anal, but have an idea how you are pacing. If my 100’s are coming in around 14s, my 200m around 30s, and my 400m around 1:15, I know I’m hauling ass. For me, at least.
Do your sprints on a local soccer field. Your shins and hips will thank you later. I’m 38, still going strong, and it’s partly because I’ve played it smart for so many years.
Good luck! Sprints kick ass, once you get into them you will never go back to the treadmill.
You need to spend time on sprint technique first. Mark off 10 and 20 yards and do two of each of the following drills at 10yds and two of each at 20yds
-high knees; concentrate on getting your knees as high as possible and get as many strides in as possible. Don’t worry about your arms or the speed at all.
-toe taps; same as above, but with regular knee height, as many as possible (it should take a long time to cover 10 or 20 yds)
-heels to ass; same concept as above, but make your heels hit your ass on each stride
-exaggerated stride lengths; start a few yards behind your normal starting point and sprint at 75% speed. When you hit the starting point, use the longest strides you can
-arm swings; as many strides as possible (like the toe taps) and swing your arms as quickly as possible. Your arms should stay bent at 90degrees throughout and use your shoulders to swing
-find a moderately-sloped hill and run down it at full speed. When you level out at the bottom, maintain the same lengthened stride that you have to use when coming downhill. This will improve stride length.
the whole time you do this, make sure your head is very slightly in front of your hips and your feet land directly below your head. During normal sprinting, the balls of your feet should hit first and hit directly under your head. The heels hitting first creates a slight braking action. During the start, lean forward, keep your head down and your arms swinging high for the first 2-3 strides.
By the tenth step or so, you should be fully upright. Do not lean forward-this will make your stride length shorter and make it harder to land on your toes right under your head. Work on your starts by running 10-20 yd sprints at 100% or with a chute or sled and work on your stride by concentrating on the above drills’ concepts (especially stride length) while your run sprints out to about 80-100 yds at 70-90%.
Once you improve upon technique, pick a distance that you want to be really fast at, and run a lot of sprints at 20-60 yds past that along with working on your starts. If you want to run the 40 well, work on 10yd starts and run 60’s 80’s and 100’s. Run the 40 just to incorporate all of the techniques together. You’ll also need to do a little bit of long-distance to keep your endurance up. If you’re gassed after a few sprints, you won’t be able to run enough to make serious progress. Run a few 200 yd sprints along with 1-3 miles about once a week, maybe every 10 days.
You can do the drills everyday, but the sprinting itself is up to you. Whenever you’re sore or plan on lifting legs that day, just do the drills. Stride length is the key to the technique part, so stretch the shit out of your hamstrings and always try to stride as long as possible, even at the start. This info should give you a pretty good foundation to build on.
[quote]ronaldo7 wrote:
I don’t know if this belongs here but I figured strength athletes are more likely to do sprints than say a bodybuilder.
I just started today and did something like:
100 meters x 2
90 meters x 5
For those of you who perform sprints, what does your routine look like?
i’ll just say one thing, how did you come up with the amount of sprints you would do? did you just pick numbers randomly? or what you thought is good?
check out some of the inno-sport material on dropoffs (inno sport basics by kelly baggett)… you should be keeping track of your times during the session, and managing fatigue properly… i mean, if your work capacity is insane, and you want to get everything out of the session, you shouldn’t just pick an arbitrary number… in the same respect, if your work capacity sucks, and one 100 kills you, and you just run another + 5 90’s, then you’re digging a huge hole.
figure out your dropoffs in-session as a way to autoregulate your training… works damn good for sprinting… you dont always need to go to a major dropoff either, it’s just good to have parameters and get the most out of your training when you need too.
anyone ever heard of or tried yakuza sprints(i think thats what they’re called)?
Take a mouthful of water. Don’t spit it out. Run 25 yards and back, 50 yards and back, then 100 yards and back. Spit out the water. If you’ve swallowed it to breathe, do 100 pushups and try again.
[quote]Invictica wrote:
ronaldo7 wrote:
Invictica wrote:
ronaldo7 wrote:
Bloobird wrote:
What’s your goal with the sprints? Actual speed development or fitness?
I guess both but more towards losing some fat and leaning out.
weren’t you trying to move up a weight class?
Yea but I was planning to go up to 90kg, instead decided to stay in the 79kg for my first few meets.
Just scale your caloric intake down, save time/effort/intensity. that’s usually what I do if I want to make weight for a meet.[/quote]
Honestly sprinting is fun. I thought my first meet was going to be this month but it looks like it will be in July so I’ll keep my calories high while doing the sprints and see what happens.