I don’t know if there’s other people out there like this but this is who I am. I can’t stand follow directions or instructions. In my classes, if we get a project with distinct directions, I will find my own way to do what needs to be done. I can’t stand doing the same thing 2 days in a row. I hate having plans more than a day in advance. Just right now I got sick of following my schedule for homework and said “fuck it, let’s see what music I got.” Now I’m listening to some kickass Rush and Def Leppard rocking out.
If I had a car, I would drive away from my house. I don’t like seeing the same boring, lazy, annoying faces at school day after day. There’s only 2 kids out of my scores of friends who I even like and that’s because they are willing to just say this is bullshit and walk out. Every other teenager is like “let’s smoke weed because that’s the cool thing that people do.” Why can’t people in today’s fucking society just figure things out on there own for once. Everything in this world is told to us.
I wish I was born 20-30-40-50 years ago so I could see these progressions and live through great music and great people. There are no great people like that any more. No one just wants to enjoy life. Everyone hates everyone, and everyone is so cynical and caniving. I’m sick of this generations shit. What happened to all the down to earth people. I’ve meet maybe 5 in my whole life, and one of which is my sister. I’d rather chill with her any day than go to these gay ass parties I go to now where we do the same shit week after week. What happened to energy and excitement? What happened to all that karism that people of the 70’s and 80’s had.
Why do we have all these pussy people that are lazy and have no drive, no purpos in life? I just wish there was a way for me to pack up and do all the things I want to do. JB is my hero and I want to do what he does for a living. I want to meet all those new and exciting people and get to do something I’m interested in. I love nutrition, I love biology, I love chemistry, I love training and knowing why shit works. No people my age give a shit, they just listen to what they here.
The other day on the news there was a segment about how to get fucking SLEEP! Why? Do people not have any common sense? I’m sick and tired of this SHIT!
I just want ot SCREAMMMMMMMMM.
End of rant.