[quote]IHateGymMorons wrote:
What you may not realize is that much of the highly succesful bodybuilder’s routines consist of big compound movements that are actually the same whole body exercises used in Cosgrove’s program.
I would never train someone seeking general fat loss and “health” with a Weider, Muscle and Fiction type of routine. If the split routine was truly superior for just getting a good body, why wouldn’t I and other non-Mickey Mouse, non-ACE certified trainers use it?.. Because it’s not superior.
I want to quash this arguement. Of course in the typical split there is the big compound movements involved. They are known for adding strength and mass. So both TBT and splits have that in common.
Secondly the Muscle and Fiction routines are notorious for not being effective for the general population, so that is a dumb point. The fact is it is up to the individual to experiment with both types of training and see which is best for meeting his goals. The reason for training will dictate what type of workout to use. One is not simply superior to the other. Different people respond differently to the same routines.