
I know some people here really like splenda. At least that’s what I got from the search engine. However isn’t it cancer causing? Just sort of curious. Any thoughts? Thanks. :wink:

As far as I know, Splenda’s OK. I use it regularly and I think dieting would be impossible without it.

However, now that the question is out there, I would like to know if it’s cancer causing as well.

I think you’re thinking of aspartame and none of those claims have been proven. I’ve never seen anything about Slenda and cancer.

Hmmmmm. Well I’ll try and get my buddy to find out where he saw it. I’ll keep you posted. Thanks. :wink:

I don’t believe there are any cancer causing effects to splenda. Sucralose (Splenda) is made by substituting three chlorines for three hydroxyl groups on sucrose. It passes right on through, and the itty bit that is absorbed is excreted through the urine.

Splenda is derived from sucrose. The body doesn’t recognize sucralose as a sugar so it passes through unchanged and is safe.

Aspartame isn’t safe for people with PKU, but they test for that at birth now. The theory of aspartame causing brain tumors that was published in the Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology didn’t have any conclusive evidence, and aspartame got blamed for causing all kinds of nasty stuff.



Okay not the best info. But something to think about. :wink:

Nothing’s been proven? Aspartame is methanol at room temperature. Drink a lot of methanol for a while and then tell everyone it doesn’t have any negative effects. Then again you wouldn’t be saying anything since you would be dead. I’m not sure what aspartame is in powder form but if a Diet Coke gets above 70 degrees the chemical turns into methanol. Have a nice day.


got peer reviewed evidence for that

or is it just your opinion?

mercola doesnt seem to like splenda either, but what doesnt he like?

deezlodawg…if that was true…then all the masses of people who drink diet sodas and consume aspartame would be either blind or dead…but even after all these years of people consuming aspartame, no ill health effects have ever been diagnosed or documented by any health care professionals…and to Neil…a balance of nutrients will always be healthier than completely excluding one in favor of excess consumption of another…it’s all about proper balance and moderation…and even though saturated fat increases T…more is not necessarily better and a diet with excessive saturates will not push T any higher than a diet with more moderate amounts of saturates…there is a place in our diet for all types of fats and each has it’s importance…including Omega 6’s…health will suffer if Omega 6 is deficient (as it is an EFA also) just as much as if Omega 3’s, saturates or any of the other types of oils found in nature are deficient. I agree natural whole foods are best in general but the only bad oil is hydrogenated…all natural oils will have some type of benefit but excess consumption of any one (including Omega 3’s) is detrimental…you need a balance of all for optimal health.