Soy's Fricking Everywhere

I’m hungry, I want to work out in an hour or two after work. I went to the deli next to my work and they had five different “energy bars” and every single one of them has soy protein. What’s a guy to do? I try and avoid soy like the fat girl at a high school dance who keeps giving you the eye, but really…is it worth eating since I don’t have another dance partner?

It’s really your call man. If you like giving oral that much…go for it.

Well, a smart guy would plan ahead and pack a good pre-workout meal to eat after work.

The most shredded dude I know has 4 perfect zone bars a day and those have 16g of soy protein… he’s been doing that every day for 3 years. he could not lose fat if he tried… if he does too much cardio, the only thing he has to lose is muscle. He’s 160 lb at 5’6" and has the lowest body fat percentage possible to actually be a functioning person. His main source of protein is chicken and steak… so I think as long as your main source of protein isn’t the soy and you’re not using it as your post-workout protein… I think you’ll be ok.

as stated above, pack your own meals. i have like 3 different sized softshell coolers, and i have one with me where ever i go.

I think if it’s Soy Protein Isolate is should be fine because I have heard the isolate doesn’t contain the estrogenic isoflavones.

No, contrary to popular belief…or rather companies who have a vested interest in selling soy protein, spouting off complete bullshit and lies to calm the public, it doesn’t matter, isolate still contains a significant amount (2.5 mg/g) of isoflavones. It may contain less than other forms but make no doubt about it, there is a significant amount.

Is soy bad for girls?