There is a decreased lifespan with ferritin this high, people with ferritin levels at 500 tend to die in their 50-60’s. The optimal ferritin for longevity is <100.
HCG response greatly varies for individuals, it causes problems for a lot of men. Fluid retention, mood and libido problems, activation of LH breast receptors triggering gyno, which is rare in men with high testosterone.
LH receptors weren’t meant to be constantly stimulated in such a way, but in a pulsatile fashion.
Yeah doc asked for another blood test because of that
2 actually, 1 month and 2 months from now
Could be all the red meat I eat (plus everyone’s fatty bits) or maybe its the whisky
HCG just confused things for me. My balls are less than marble sized but I don’t care. Got kids, don’t want more. HCG just confused the bloods and jacked up my E2.
If your on test than hcg doesn’t keep you any more fertile. You would take it along with other stuff when you are not on for fertility. The only thing it does is plump your balls and complicate your protocol.