Hi guys.
I’m about one year into TRT, and wanted to give an update. I’ve had some ups and downs, but overall very happy I made the decision to go down this road. I’m up about 20lbs, most of it muscle, but the biggest difference has been the improvement mentally and emotionally. I’m feeling like my old self again- confidence, decision making, overall enjoyment in life is where it used to be, and should be. We’ve taken my SHBG from 96 nmol/L to 29 nmol/L, and I certainly feel the difference.
That being said, I have had some slight issues with hcg. I’ve bounced back and forth between taking, and not taking my prescribed 500iu 2x weekly. When I do introduce it to my routine, I seem to retain water, am more lethargic, develop anxiety, and I can feel my estrogen rise. When I add the hcg, I develop the need for Anastrozole, which seems to eventually crash my estrogen (as you can see on this updated blood work)
Initial Bloodwork before TRT:
Total T: 927 ng/dL
Free T: 13 pg/mL
SHBG: 96 nmol/L
Estrogen: 14.5 pg/mL
Second Bloodwork before committing to TRT:
Total T: 767
Free T: 10
SHBG: Left off of this round, but can assume it was around the same as previous, or higher
Estrogen: 18.2
My current prescription is:
200mg Test cyp 1x week
1mg Anastrozole 2x week
500iu hcg 2x week
After many tweaks and experiments, I’ve found that the absolute BEST I feel, is when I do around 80-90mg test cyp 2x week, and nothing else. I pin myself 2x week in the shoulder with 28g needles- super easy and convenient. My estrogen has seemed to hold steady (I had puffy nipples through puberty, and the puffiness returns quickly when my e does get high). Energy is great, no anxiety, and no lethargy. I know many of you recommend testosterone only, with multiple injections a week as this is the most natural mimic of the body’s own production. My biggest question is, at 29 years old will I be okay going long periods of time without HCG? My doctor seems to think I shouldn’t go more than 10 weeks or so without it. Kids are not even close to being in the forecast right now, but I know in the next 5 years or so they will be. Will it be more difficult to fire up that LH signal later on if I don’t maintain it consistently with HCG?
As always, thank you all for the feedback!