I’m mid cycle right now, taking 500mg/test e per week, 300mg deca and 35mg of dbol/day. I’m on week 5 and a couple days ago I’m having some mild aching on the right side of my body…mostly my back, right under my rib cage.
I’ve heard where people got sore livers from using oral steroids and I’m curious if this is what I’m encountering? My only doubt is the pain started literally right after a very intense back workout. It just feels like it’s a deeper soreness than on the surface.
I’m planning on cutting the dbols short and just continuing with the injectibles. I’m posting here cause there is very little good info on the web about anything other than hepatitis and liver cancer.
You’re definately experiencing muscle cramping from your steroid cycle. Dianabol especially has always caused me a great deal of back pain. This pain is worsened by deadlifting, bentover rows and squats.
Liver pains are generally felt in the front of the body just beneath the rib cage.
That sounds possible. The back pumps get to be excrutiating. After 2 or 3 back exercises I usually can barely bend over without the lactic acid making it burn so bad I have to stand straight up. Even bending over to get a drink from the fountain killls.
In any event I will probably discontinue the dbol…I’ve ran it for 6 weeks which is deffinately a decent run. I had planned on 7-8, but if this keeps up it will hurt my gains in the long term.
The liver itself does not feel pain. Sometimes swelling can cause the outer covering to convey an achey feeling. I think you problem, as Bushy and another poster stated, is probably muscle cramping.
However, you might want to pay close attention if the pain becomes very sharp and is causing you nausea and vomiting. This could be a sign of gall bladder problems. I have no idea of what your use history is, but high cholesterol is often a side effect of gear use and could exacerbate an minor gall bladder problem.
Just something to keep in mind. A blocked bile duct requires an immediate trip to the ER.