Someone I know.......

Hahahahah, the person knows who she is!!!

This female reminds me of Ericka from T-Mag.

hahahahaha… shh don’t tell anyone.

Which pornstar is this?


man is she gonna be pissed

dude, the BABE is gonna kill you!

You guys suck!!! All of you!!! No more post workout meals damnit!!!

Ohhhh, porn girl huh?

I said porn cause i know vivid video makes jenna jamesons porn.


sorry E.

and the post workout meals are becoming a tradition, you can’t stop them…you can only hope to limit what we will find out about you.


She makes me look fat. If I had a body like that I’d never be able to out squat BOBU!!! HAHAHAHA

Oh shit.

That’s it then I will only eat at the post workout meals. I am herby refraining from any engagement in conversations related to my personal life…yeah right. The more I tell, the more stupid shit I get to find out about you two!!!

alright… well, i’ll post a couple pics of myself in order to distract some of the guys from your pic.

DAMN! Ericka, are they teasing or is that you?

Hell, I’d hit it!

she already knows i’d hit it.

sorry babe it didn’t take me long to think about it huh?

Ahh yes, I can see it know Karma. The two of you wrestling around in a baby pool full of hot cocconut oil. Both your sweet backside wriggling around like two cute little bunnies playing under a tarp on a crisp sping day…oh wait sorry. Damn this test tongue.

Karma…that’s not me, my workout buddies think I look like her, but thanks.

JessIE…wow now that explains why you bought my lunch and my dinner, never make an investment without expecting a return huh. Glad we could get that out of the way. Now shut the hell up and let’s lift!

ohhhh, snap.

i did hit it!!!
