Great stuff!
Especially the link to the nudie pics. Now that’s what we need more of, especially of athletes (hot female athletes) and fitness models.
Nice to see the feedback about your “Die Fatty, Die” blog. Maybe people will get it one day.
As for the upcoming T-jack goodies, I would like to get my hands on a Power Rack, Glute-ham bench or Reverse-hyper bench. I seriously could use them for my home gym, and none of the local gyms have them.
My oh my! that pic of the wet soccer squad is just incredible! the nude pics were good, but goddamn! soccer chicks!! Also, on one of Chris’ previous blogs he gave a link to the trashy site, naughty scool girls galore.
How in the hell did I miss that link? Now I need to go back and find it!
I like naughty, young school girls.
Now what can be done to make the WNBA interesting.
[quote]Pretzel Logic wrote:
Now what can be done to make the WNBA interesting.[/quote]
Get Sue Bird to pose for Playboy.
girls, girls, girls!
Oh yeah, I agree about the soccer chicks. I’m always down for nude athletes, as they are smokin’ hot! A fitness chick or model is cool and all, but nothing beats an athletic girl in the buff.
Nate, hot, tatoo’d, naughty, school girls. I actually ended up bying a set for the GF, fantasies DO come true!