For those of us that take the time on the birth of our nation to look back on our history rather than the impending hamburgers and fireworks, a singular thought strikes us all at one time or another: Our founders would be disappointed in what this country has become. Collectively this is most certainly true, though parts remain in which the founders could take great pride. Hamilton would relish in American might and global reach and Jefferson would take delight in the expansion of equality within us.
Too often though, when we bow our heads in sorrow at the thought of squandered liberty we leave our heads low and continue down the path that has taken us to the prison we find ourselves in. It is still a large prison no doubt, but it is much smaller than our fathers�?? prison and smaller still than the prison of our grandfathers. Where then will our sons and daughters sleep? Upon this path we tread our grandchildren will find themselves in cages not fit for dogs! Weep then fellow citizen, but weep not for squandered freedom; instead spare your tears for the cowards among us, or perhaps more accurately, the cowards within us.
In 1774 John Adams wrote in his journal, �??We have not men fit for the times. We are deficient in genius, in education, in travel, in fortune, in everything. I feel unutterable anxiety.�?? This too is a sentiment I am sure that we have all felt at one time or another. In an era of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry, Alexander Hamilton, and Samuel Adams just to name a few, John Adams felt that there not men fit for the times! America�??s heroes were but ordinary men, the majority of which arrived just as they were needed while idling away in private affairs until duty called. So too will it be with us.
Now to ask the more pressing question. Would our founders be disappointed in you? What have you done in the name of liberty? Do you make your voice heard? Do you even know all ten amendments to the Bill of Rights? What about your children? Have you voted for someone you know has violated those rights? Do you own a military pattern rifle? Do you train with it? When did you last crack a history book? Did you vote for a smoking ban in your state? Have you quietly sat by when a seatbelt law was passed?
Do not stand idle in the face of the tyrant. Make a stand, if only a small one in the name of liberty. Otherwise brand yourself a coward, a toadie to the tyrant, or both. That way I can put my trust in hands more deserving of it. Take a stand, the heroes are around us. They need only be prodded. Awaken your righteous nature and rescue your country with your pen before better men are forced to do it with their guns. If you cannot do that, then their blood will be on your hands too.