In women, excessive use of androgens may cause clitoral enlargement. The clitoris is basically an undeveloped penis, so why isn’t this the case for men? Of course androgens signal penis growth in the early stages of life, but it’s like a window shuts after puberty. In women, the possibility of genital enlargement doesn’t stop with puberty.
In men elevated estrogen may cause breast enlargement - at any age. Unfortunately this is not the case for women - no matter how many contraceptive pills they pop, their breasts won’t grow.
Much of the aromatization of testosterone to estradiol takes place in fat cells. As such, there is a correlation between obesity and elevated E-levels. Dieting will reduce the amount of bodyfat, but it will not reduce the amount of fat cells. Is an “empty” fat cell still capable of aromatizing T to E?
I think that 1&2 would be referred to as one’s genetic destiny or limits.
3 is an interesting and perhaps novel idea. This would suggest that once you gain fat, loosing it later might carry a permanent penalty. The guys who get really BIG on bulking cycles who then train their way back to leanness might not like your idea at all
[quote]KSman wrote:
I think that 1&2 would be referred to as one’s genetic destiny or limits.
3 is an interesting and perhaps novel idea. This would suggest that once you gain fat, loosing it later might carry a permanent penalty. The guys who get really BIG on bulking cycles who then train their way back to leanness might not like your idea at all ;)[/quote]
I think in our age of genetic engineering, once the first question is answered we’ll see the start of a working penis-growth formula. It probably has to do with genes switching on and off, the former being the case with hypertrichosis and those poor bastards being born with a tail.
In women, excessive use of androgens may cause clitoral enlargement. The clitoris is basically an undeveloped penis, so why isn’t this the case for men? Of course androgens signal penis growth in the early stages of life, but it’s like a window shuts after puberty. In women, the possibility of genital enlargement doesn’t stop with puberty.
In men elevated estrogen may cause breast enlargement - at any age. Unfortunately this is not the case for women - no matter how many contraceptive pills they pop, their breasts won’t grow.
Much of the aromatization of testosterone to estradiol takes place in fat cells. As such, there is a correlation between obesity and elevated E-levels. Dieting will reduce the amount of bodyfat, but it will not reduce the amount of fat cells. Is an “empty” fat cell still capable of aromatizing T to E?
That’s it.
I think the issue here is that Test and Estrogen are perceived as two different, but equivalent and opposing hormones. As far as I know (not much) this is incorrect.
They tend to have “opposite” effects to some degree, but the way they act in the body is just different and the actions of one cannot be used to predict the actions of the other.
While it is interesting, I don’t know if any of what you said is true. Not doubting you or your research, but theories on how the body holds, develops, and stores fat flop back and forth too much to discuss anything but pure facts.
Which in the end is America is still getting fat, there are no magic pills, and they can only maximize what you already have.
[quote]Airtruth wrote:
While it is interesting, I don’t know if any of what you said is true. Not doubting you or your research, but theories on how the body holds, develops, and stores fat flop back and forth too much to discuss anything but pure facts.
Which in the end is America is still getting fat, there are no magic pills, and they can only maximize what you already have.[/quote]
There is always a magic pill; however, there are side effects which may cause you to elect to not take said magic pill.