Some Idiot Doesn't Wipe His Sweat off the Bench

And i’m too much of a pussy to tell him to do it.

The dude is taller than me, looks like a stereotypical meathead with juiced up muscles and a Johnny Bravo haircut. Wish I was kidding. I am a 6’0, 170lbs sack of shit who deadlifts what he benches (410 for reps.) To make it worse, he’s like a 8.5/10 in the facial department, and i’m like a 6.5, maybe a 7 from a good angle. Not sure how this is at all important in the context of the current issue, but I just felt I needed to mention it.

I feel like i’m in middle school all over again, being bullied by this dude who was a carbon copy of Kearney Zzyzwich from Simpsons (the bald bully). Now I have to lay down in the sweat of another stereotypical looking bully. This is a joke. I don’t dare to approach him. This is such bullshit. All the others in the gym either don’t seem to mind, or are also too scared to do anything about it.

Anyone else ever been in a similar situation? I mean, if Brian Shaw went to your gym and didn’t wipe the lake of sweat he left on the bench off of it, would you go up to him and tell him? I’d probably just put on my swimming goggles and dive right in.

Fuck, just when I thought I had finally grown some testicles, I get proven that they’re still not big enough. This guy is sweating up the gym and he’s allowed to do so, freely.

Alert the gym management. They should take care of it.


I feel like this thread tells more about yourself than it does the person you’re complaining about.

If you don’t want to lay on his sweat puddles, wipe them up. If there’s a rule saying you’re required to clean up after yourself (most gyms have this rule), then +1 to what @cyclonengineer said.

But getting your panties all twisted about this dude and going on about his looks vs yours and his lifts vs yours is ridiculous.


It’s a 24/7 self check-in gym, there is no actual staff, just some PT’s around sometimes. But probably I will alert someone next time.

Of course there’s that rule - I thought it is like that in every gym. Or at least I would’ve hoped so.

The looks and lifting part was more for a (failed) humorous effect. I’m a clown. The part about him being a douchenozzle was serious, tho. I wonder if some people have just never been taught to clean their shit up after themselves. Dude probably never flushes either.

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Not a clown, just a misunderstanding through typed word =)

Have you actually talked to him to verify he’s a douche? or is this an assumption due to him not wiping up his sweat? Every possibility he’s a super nice guy and he wipes equipment before using it, assuming everyone else does the same (kinda makes sense TBH).

While him not flushing might be valid - let’s look at this a different way… Do you wipe off the toilet seat after you’re done shitting? No, but you’ll do it before (or use an ass-gasket).

Truly though, it’s not worth getting all hot and bothered about. It’s sweat, in a place that people go to sweat.

Well, here you are with an opportunity to do just that and you’re NOT doing it. It’s quite possible others have done the same.

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cant you just wipe off the equipment before you use it?

When im in public gyms i only wipe it after myself if i have really done some damage to it and its almost never.
I never understood the point. Ok, some bench has some little dew left on it and everyone loses their mind. Now what about dumbbells? I know for a fact most guys dont wash hands after they piss, shit or scratch their balls. No one is so obsessed about cleaning all the dumbbells and barbells. Honestly, some neck-sweat on a bench is much less disturbing than the idea of someone scratching his dick which has sweat and drips of piss on it and then taking dumbbells, which later you take and then you fucking scratch your nose with the same hands.

Anyways, since i come from a fighter culture, i am very used to end up in a grappling position with someones super wet ass on my face, or just have sweat of 10 people on me after a good MMA sparring so i dont really care. Its all mental - sweat is cleaner than most stuff we touch and eat without washing.
There was this experiment which proved that the floor of a public restroom has less variety of diseases than a humans mouth so technically if you can kiss someone, you can lick the floor in a public restroom also, but we see it differently, because its mental.
Just like we would lick the sweat out of some hot babes asshole without blinking but if its the same sweat and same bodypart of a woman we dont find attractive, the same action seems disgusting.

Anyway, if someone cares so much - wipe off the equipment before you use it.
I do it, if someone leaves a big pile of sweat, which also almost never.


I don’t know how many people on the forum have such an achievement on the Bench Press, let alone at your personal weight. If your results are like that, I see no reason to worry about such a sweaty person.
That you did not make a mistake when writing and for example that it is not 410, but 210 :slight_smile:

what? deadlifting 4 plates is results that not many people on this forum can do?

Nowhere have I mentioned deadlifts. Where did you see this? I’m specifically talking about the bench press. The author of the topic says that his deadlift is the same as his bench press and it is 410. He even did it for reps. And I’m saying there are few people here who can bench press 410, even if they’re above their personal weight.
He’s obviously joking, as he wrote afterwards…

I think you just misread dude.

He was trying to say that the OP deadlifts 410 for reps and Sweaty Joe benches the same.

I don’t understand what does dudes bench has to do with OPs deadlift and whats to worry or not worry about.

Just say “hey dude, that’s a sick bench, you’re benching what I deadlift for reps”. People love a compliment and he’ll view you favorably. Once you’re familiar with each other it’ll be way easier to ask him something like a simple “hey mate not to be a dick, but do you reckon you can wipe your sweat a bit quick”. You’re letting the fear of something bad happening rule what you do and if you carry that over into other areas of your life you’re making stuff really hard for yourself.

You shouldn’t feel scared of this stuff. If you’re deadlifting 410 then you’ve been in the gym for a while now. This stuff happens and dealing with little social things like this should be part of your growth.

Or you can withdraw, try to get to the gym 20mins earlier/bench on a different day. This is the wrong solution.


Sure, it’s my fault.
So the sweaty dude is pretty strong.
In one of the gyms I visited, laying down a towel was mandatory. There were even towel racks where you could get one if you didn’t have your own. But there were still people who did not comply. And there are also many people who do not unload their burdens. For example, a 350-400 DL finishes his sets and leaves.

Some people are a bit shit, you probably need to find ways to be ok with that if you’re going to live around them for any length of time.

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It doesn’t bother me because I always wear a towel. Those who don’t unload their burdens don’t annoy me either.
These people just give me a bad impression, but it has no effect on my mood.


In the gym i go to towels are also mandatory but many people don’t use em because they fucking slip. Id like to see you get tight under 405 bench with a towel slipping underneath.

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Can we just point out that @hankthetank89 wrote the most poetic ass sweat piece I’ve ever read… and in this site I feel like I’ve had a lot of opportunity.

I think @cdep89’s advice is perfect.
For me, it’s never sweat, it’s teenagers leaving plates and their crap all over the gym. Admittedly, I’m not physically intimidated, but they might say mean things about my bald spot and fanny pack so I still have to tread carefully. Plus my wife goes to the same gym, and I am afraid of her, so I can’t act in a way that’s embarrassing. I think being friendly and then the “hey, now that we’re best buds, can you clean up” can’t fail. If nothing else, you were certainly reasonable. At worst, he still doesn’t clean up (which is no change from baseline), but teaches you to bench.


Collect all his sweat up in a jar and drink it…right in friont of him…it’ll be the last thing he’d expect!!!