Hello to you all in the over 35’s…
I’m Emma and I’m a 35yo (36 in sept) female. BW 45.6kg, height 158cm.
I started a intro thread 5 months ago in the beginners section and diasappeared after i descended into a miserable dark hole that i thought i would never come out of…but, with a little bit of help from some medication and setting some lifting goals, seeing them thru and achieveing them…I have been feeling much much more my old self in the last 5 weeks…i recently updated the old thread with some vids of my deadlift…
but a quick summary would be that i entered my first deadlift comp this sunday just passed and lifted 105kg, beat my old PB by 5kg in 5 weeks of training and won…thru adding an additional coach to my training routine with more of a powerlifting focus, I have gained so much more confidence in all of my training and it rolls over into other parts of life…i direct my training at the gym now rather than be just a partcipant…this week i headed back to work after being off on leave for 8 months getting ‘well’…
anyways…looking forward not backwards…behind me there is a hole and i’m not planning on falling back into it…onwards and upwards from here…
Here are my last two training reports to get this diary started…i look forward to sharing your journeys and i hope that you will enjoy sharing mine…
Training Report (PTC) Monday 15th August
50kg for 5 sets of 3…
got my 3 x 8 at 30kg…the last 2 reps did not beat me this time…lucky or i would have been annoyed…
Some GHR’s…making me control the negative till im parallel with the floor…had to break my hips to get up…bloody hard not to…
Some KB rows…hmmm…memory lapse here…maybe 14kg?? maybe 16??
And a long bridge…we didnt time it but coach said it was bout 2 and a half mins…my very low abs hurt after that…
Talked a bit with coach about where to from here…the Big Bench in Paradise Competition in Oct is where to i reckon…i would like to pause 40kg…i would piss my pants with excitement if i reach 42.5kg…hmmm…40 will do i spose…lol…
Training Report (Gym)Tuesday 16th August
cable rows 25kg 3 sets o 8 with bloody wide grip bar thing that made it harder.
lat pull downs 50kg x 8, 3 sets
just a little bench
35kg x 5,3 sets, making sure not doing this little push up an inch before drawing the bar down…bad habbit that coach pointed out yesterday and now im aware of it, i realise i do it all the time…my trainer put his hand over the top of the bar so i couldnt do it unless i pushed against him as well…
bar x 8
22.5 x 8, 2 sets…and my trainer pointed out that i do that same little push upy thing at the top of the ohp as well…nasty little habbits that need to change…
Good session this morning, im a bit worked from the weekends comp and squats yesterday…more worked than i realise until i start training…my left hip is a bit sore…rest day tomorrow, gym thursday/friday and PTC again Saturday…life is good.