[quote]~karma~ wrote:
I’m not a feel good post kind of girl but I am compelled…
Ever have any of those serendipitous moments in life that may mean nothing to others but to you is realizing, often without trying, a small goal or victory? Just thought I’d share several from the last few days…
Yesterday, I realized that my favorite khaki’s weren’t fitting right. Kinda saggy in the crotch…they needed a belt! Put a belt on…I needed to tighten it a notch!
Yesterday also, I got the joy of spending an hour or so with my favorite man of late…my tax preparer. At the end of our “date” I found out I get around 13k back. Yay!
This morning, at O-dark-thirty I stumble half asleep into the gym. Start loading the bar for DLs and lo and behold - THERE’S FRESH CHALK ON THE FLOOR! In a 24 Hour Fitness! Someone deadlifts besides me… and uses chalk! I must have just missed this elusive creature because it wasn’t wiped up by the ever-present cleaning crew or even ground into the floor yet - it was just sitting there all fresh and purty.
Feeling encouraged by this, I succeeded in finally finding the right weight for 2 good sets of 15 singles (sorry Yorbabarbell, I’m still getting closer to that one set of 15 gruelling singles) and it was what? 135lb. Yay! At least I can DL bodyweight without maxing out! like I said, these are small victories
Anyone got any to share?[/quote]
Glad to hear it Karma. We were conservative when we picked your starting weights-that is for sure. But you are “into” deadlifting-that is what counts. I won’t pat myself on the back too much-but didn’t I tell you one of the side effects of intense deadlfitng is a metabolism boost through-out the whole body-of oruce from the high amount of posterior chain work. Hence the loose Khakis.
Everyone that follows my deadlift advice loses weight-in all the right spots. Based upon the 2 sets of 15 with 135-I KNOW-with a lil peaking you can do a double bodyweight deadlift-270lbs right after the 6 week cycle with the correctly adjusted poundages.
nothing like finding some other lifters chalk stash in a strange or antiseptic gym-that is always good times-knowing a kindred spirit exists and has toiled as you have.
Congrats on the 13k. I read your post the other day -very well written about selling kids short etc. You are quite accomplished and successful-I look forward to your take as to how you intend to invest/apply your money. I get happy with money back from the G-then I realize-shit that was my money to begin with! But it still feels good.
As for my small victories this wekk…hmmm… I am competing in the USPF Deadlift nationals on saturday in Austin-so I have some pre-meet feelings of excitment. I haven’t done a national meet in 2 years-since the birth of my tiwns-so I really want to comeback strong. I have plans on doing the USPF Deadlift open in WV in mid-Sept and the strongest man in the US in Mass on Nov 6.
Life is good-been enjoying Texas, my wife and kids and seeing the occasional pompous ass at work exposed for the poser that he/she is-ie love it when people talk out their ass and don’t accomplish jack shit. Keep up the deadlifting and posting-they make it easier to squeeze 2 hours worth of work into an 8 hour day.