Hey everyone,
Ive posted on this board before and just came across something that interested me. To give u some background of myself, Ive done one cycle (test/dbol) with great success! Gained about 20lbs and kept 15 and the whole time i was injecting delts with 25g 5/8 in needles.
Don’t get my wrong or anything i didn’t mind the needle size but i did come across some people saying that they backfill insulin needles and shoot them intramuscularly with much success in areas such as calves, outer thigh,triceps, biceps, and shoulder…this got me thinking if i could avoid a little scar tissue along the way why not?!
Can someone let me know if this actually works?
Ive also seen places saying its not deep enough but i dont think there would be that much a difference from 1/2 or 5/8 in., just my reasoning though
I pin my HRT in front and medial delts and the teardrop of my quad using a half inch, 30 gauge insulin pin and it works fine.
Some people say to backfill, but I found this to be WAY more of a pain in the ass than it’s worth. I lost a ton of oil trying to expel the air out of the pins I loaded up and just didn’t see the benefit.
Now I just stick the slin pin in directly, pull the plunger back and hang it upside down from a toothbrush holder before getting into the shower. By the time I get out, its ready to go. Simple and no risk of contamination.
I’ve never had a need to use the triceps, biceps, calves or anything else. The 6 sites I have work fine to rotate through. I used to pin my upper qauds but kept bending the needle. 29 gauge may not bend as badly, but one of the other posters said he had the same problem with 29’s.
VT - backfilling really only saves time if you are injecting with multiple slin pins daily, but you have to get the technique down or you will lose oil. It’s definitely not worth it for you since you’re pushing a TRT dose.
You really shouldn’t be putting more than 0.5cc in one spot with a slin pin. I have been doing 0.7cc lately and it leaks sometimes plus feels pretty weird in my delt. Splitting that into 2 0.35cc injections didn’t have either of those problems.
Your best bet is to buy 0.5cc 29g slin pins, the smaller diameter of the barrel means that you don’t have to push very hard to get the oil through, and it loads faster if you choose not to backfill.
I would be wary of pinning anything but delts and quads. The gluteal sites won’t work, unless you are lean enough to pin VG. By “won’t work” I mean that you wind up with the oil deposit in the fat, which hurts like hell if you’re shooting prop. You can find at least 2-3 sites on each delt and at least a dozen on each quad - every square inch of skin in the “safe” area is basically a new site.
Definitely aspirate when using slin pins.
I have written more about my experiences, and linked some old threads by BBB and Prisoner. If you look at my post history you should be able to find them.