Sleep and Hormonal Release

since you are the know it hormonal know it alls of the body building world…

does anybody know if it is beneficial to sleep immediately after working out? i usually finish my routing at the gym around 7:30 am, but don’t have a class til ten.

would it be beneficial to not only eat, but also sleep for a couple hours directly after my work out as well as at night?

Helluva question, I would say do it. That could potentiate the release of GH and or testosterone. Do some more research though, a couple hours of sleep; that could add up. There are studies that say too much sleep is bad for you.

I’ve heard that can be a good idea. Although only if its after you eat too ;). Although do you have everything else about nutrition and training honed in. I think the majority of people need to stick to the basics and fine tune the basics to further progress, this is what will make the most dramatic changes.

I’ve been working out for 9 years and researching training for 4 years and I’m still trying to consistently stick to a strict diet and routine. Little tricks like these I guess are good though to stay focused and interested in training but it won’t have major benefits.

For me, if I finished at 7:30 I would get my protein shake, then 60 minutes later i’d be eating and it would be 8:45 until my meal was even consumed. I don’t know if I would take the time to sleep 30 minutes at that point, but it could be a good idea I guess just to get a power nap, although it would be hard after having just woke up and the fact that I like coffee.