[quote]beAman13 wrote:
I have always had a hard time sleeping at night so I got sort of reliant (not addicted) on melatonin(3mg) to do the job…while it DOES work, it does gives me the absolute WORST nightmares you can imagine. Stuff that makes House of a Thousand Corpses look like willy wonka and the chocolate factory…[/quote]
Hey dont even Joke there man . Them damn Umpa Lumpa’s can be down right SCARY. LIL buggers.
[quote]beAman13 wrote:
I have always had a hard time sleeping at night so I got sort of reliant (not addicted) on melatonin(3mg) to do the job…while it DOES work, it does gives me the absolute WORST nightmares you can imagine. Stuff that makes House of a Thousand Corpses look like willy wonka and the chocolate factory…[/quote]
You’re probably taking to much, these are recommendations from Walter Perpaoli, MD, PHD and William Regelson MD:
35-44 .5 to 1 mg at bedtime
45-54 1 to 2mg "
55-64 2 to 2.5 mg "
65-74 2.5 to 5 mg "
75 plus 3.5 mg to 5mg "
I have found that L-tryptophan works real well to knock you out quickly, but it’s hard to find and I usually wake up in a couple of hours and can’t get back to sleep (aaarrrrggg!!!)If you take a big dose, it’s a real strange, dopey buzz. If anyone is interested, I still have an address and phone# for a lab that sells veterinary supplements, and one of the supplements is L-Trytophan. I’ve ordered it from them a bunch and it’s the real deal. I got the original lead from Bill Phillip’s old magazine.[/quote]
You can just get 5-HTP, the precursor for L-Tryptophan. Works pretty much the same I think, and it’s legal.