[quote]midnightamnesia wrote:
[quote]Stronghold wrote:
[quote]midnightamnesia wrote:
That being said, if one is trying to increase muscle, why then would one skip ANY meal?
Because it may be more metabolically advantageous to eat those calories at another time in the day.[/quote]
I agree that for fat loss it may be metabolically advantageous, however, it has been well-established that heightened insulin sensitivity is present upon waking (see refs below). This sensitivity decreases as the day progress, though this could be attributable to diet/the affects from feeding (though hormonal fluctuations that are independent of feeding have been suggested to interact here).
Even if feeding was the main cause of reductions in insulin sensitivity, it would still suggest that the first meal of the day (no matter the name of the meal) would have a highly anabolic affect on one’s tissue, espeically if that person weight trained and had skeletal muscle protein degradation and/or depleted glycogen.
One may be missing out if attempting to build muscle and skipping breakfast OR (depending on the extent to which insulin sensitivity is dependent on factors independent of feeding) by having their first meal not containing CHO with PRO in higher amounts.
If one were to consume a similar meal later in the day (even with differences in athlete insulin sensitivity taken in to account), the literature I have read suggests that it would be more adipogenic and less anabolic to skeletal muscle.
T. Gibson and R. J. Jarrett 2003.
Diurnal variations in peripheral insulin resistance and plasma non-esterified fatty acid concentrations: a possible link? Morgan LM, Aspostolakou F, Wright J, Gama R. 1999
Diurnal variation in glucose tolerance. Cyclic suppression of insulin action and insulin secretion in normal-weight, but not obese, subjects. A Lee, M Ader, G A Bray and R N Bergman
A Daily Rhythm in Glucose Tolerance A Role for the Suprachiasmatic Nucleus Susanne E. la Fleur, Andries Kalsbeek, Joke Wortel, Madelon L. Fekkes and Ruud M. Buijs
The reasoning behind skipping breakfast and the insulin spike is because not only is muscle sensitive and ready to uptake the nutrients. Fat is also primed in the morning. But as the day goes on, like you said, both become less sensitive. But where “we” win is, we train hard priming only the muscle to be insulin sensitive. So you eat the majority of carbs post training to take advantage of this.