Skinny vs. muscular

I just want to hear what everyone else thinks about this. Girls tend to put out quicker to the skinnier guys. maybe they feel safer at first with the skinnier guys. therefore it takes longer for a muscular guy to get on a girl because the guy has to gain the girl’s trust first, but then, the muscular guy will probably be with the girl longer because she feels safer with a big guy that she can trust. As i’m writing this, some skinny bastard that lives down the hall from me is getting head. Just a stupid idea I had. I’m tired, i better go sleep.

A guy at work who’s studied psych says that sieve guys get the wicked girls because the girls know they can manipulate them, etc. If a guy is chiseled, he’ll feel better about himself & won’t put up with any crap.

Those girls are a dime a dozen, I wouldn’t waste a second with one of them.

But this is not really true for everyone I am thinking…?

How skinny are we talking here? Guys who weigh a buck ten? I think some women are intimidated by “big” guys, but it depends in what setting. If you were to go out with a bunch of guys on the football team, would they still be intimidated? It would be interesting to find out how much attention you would get weighing 200lbs, then gain 30lbs over the next year, and compare the result.

WHAT? you cant be serious??? First of all…most of my friends (okay I’m older than you Im sure, but our hormones still rage)…are attracted to muscular men. Secondly… whether they are skinny or muscular does NOT determine what they are gonna “get” or how long they are gonna “keep” them. GAWD…you make us women sound like sheep! Just be yourself… and treat them with respect…you should do fine!

Girls have preconcieved notions about people like everyone else, but the real determinant of getting laid is a man’s skill. I think alot of body builders have low esteem or lack confidence and women can smell that a mile away. If you can’t get laid without muscles you will have big time trouble with muscles.

Howdy. It’s not really a function of size. Women have varied preferences as men do, although I’d tend to say that for straight sexual attraction the built guys have got the lead. But, it mostly comes down to what’s on the inside. Sappy but true. This guy down the hall from you is probably a little more smooth and persuasive than you are, that’s all. Start working on the inside as well as the outside. Cheers.

In my experience many girls are very body-conscious, and they are often more hesitant to “get nekkid” with a guy who has a great body. They think a guy who pays so much attention to his own body, will likely be very critical hers.

Ha-ha! Your jealous 'cuz your not getting any and a skinny guy is. Work on your game playa!

I would imagine that a guy would have to be pretty damn big to seem intimidating. It depends on the approach more than anything.

Cream / Big Dave - great points!!!

I guarantee a guy being big and muscular never stopped a girl from getting naked. It’s your game.

Its all in the attitude, confidence, and moves you got!

Usually,size doesn’t have anything to do with it, except if you’re so skinny or so huge that she finds it totally unattractive. Everybody in-between have the same chances, depending on approach.Among two guys with the same approach, muscular guy would always win.
Don’t you think girls would rather have their arms all over your round chest, muscular back and glutes,than over protuberances of your scapula,pelvis or sternum? Problem is, as Colin noted, that skinny guys are usually more relaxed,and everybody performs better that way. You should be proud you look better than average person,and not worry about your upper chest or anything of that nature(in front of girl of course; be damn worried when you design your training program).