Skinny Fat Beginner - Reduce BF% or Bulk First?

Currently sitting at 167, 6ft, 17.1% bodyfat… I read quite a few conflicting articles differing about whether to start out reducing bodyfat to 10% before bulking, or whether to bulk to get some more muscles mass first.

Ive been goin to the gym on and off for a while, but havent really eaten well. Looking to get serious but dont no where to start. Just purchased waterburys 10/10 transformation guide and Berardi’s scrawny to brawny, but am waiting for that to come in the mail.

Any advice??

Also looking to buy Precise Nutrition, anyone tried it?? Im stuck…


Rob, OZ

ok well if I where you I’d start lifting HEAVY read Starting Strenth! And Read the T-Dawg diet 2.0! I garantee that if you do both of these with disciplin youl make a great tranformation!

Also at your stage you can do both! youl get those good beginer gains and just cleaning up your diet will help you drop some of that lard!

I have not purchased precision nutrition, scrawny-brawny, or Waterbury’s book. But I have read praise of these products by those that followed them.

So you wanna gain strength and muscle, and drop fat eh? You’re in good company. Your focus right now should be on making healthy food choices and carving out time in your week to regularly get to the gym. These alone will create gains. After you have a firm foundation of good habits, then you start tweaking things depending on if you want to bulk up or cut down.

Good, healthy food choices.
Carve out time in your week for the gym.

Here are the links Dave F. forgot to post.

Starting Strength


T-dawg Diet 2.0

Note- while the T-dawg diet is very effective, I would ensure I was used to eating 5-6 small meals a day and getting lots of protein before starting it. It is my opinion that smaller changes are both more managable, and more lasting, and therefore more effective. Hence, change your habits slowly.

Cheers for the advice. I have been meaning to do this for a while and have done too much research and no excercise for 5 weeks since exams. (A sin, I know)

My research has lead me to wanting to start doing Chad Waterbury’s ABBH I, then ABBH II, while on a bulk, and then 10/10 transformation program to cut the fat, while keeping as much muscle as possible. The only thing is I dont have diet guidelines for the bulk. Have been eating pretty clean as of late.

Any ideas??

Sorry one other thing. The T-Dawg Diet is a fat-loss diet, could I just add 500 calories to the diet for a bulk and keep adding?? I sorta dont want to follow a low-carb diet yet as i’d be doing a low-carb diet on the 10/10 program

Was hoping to do a moderate-carb diet such as a split like 35:35:30 or even 45:35:20 (C:P:F)

Any links??

[quote]Otep wrote:
I have not purchased precision nutrition, scrawny-brawny, or Waterbury’s book. But I have read praise of these products by those that followed them.

So you wanna gain strength and muscle, and drop fat eh? You’re in good company. Your focus right now should be on making healthy food choices and carving out time in your week to regularly get to the gym. These alone will create gains. After you have a firm foundation of good habits, then you start tweaking things depending on if you want to bulk up or cut down.

Good, healthy food choices.
Carve out time in your week for the gym.

Here are the links Dave F. forgot to post.

Starting Strength


T-dawg Diet 2.0

Note- while the T-dawg diet is very effective, I would ensure I was used to eating 5-6 small meals a day and getting lots of protein before starting it. It is my opinion that smaller changes are both more managable, and more lasting, and therefore more effective. Hence, change your habits slowly.[/quote]

Thanks for posting the links Otep I always mean to but forget!..Yup there’s some good advice there and otep is right on the money! Try to instill those habits before starting these programs! Best of luck!

[quote]RobRayner wrote:
Sorry one other thing. The T-Dawg Diet is a fat-loss diet, could I just add 500 calories to the diet for a bulk and keep adding?? I sorta dont want to follow a low-carb diet yet as i’d be doing a low-carb diet on the 10/10 program

Was hoping to do a moderate-carb diet such as a split like 35:35:30 or even 45:35:20 (C:P:F)

Any links??[/quote]

well you may also consider the anabolic diet then if you want to bulk! However the number 1 thing you should start working on is eating clean food 5-6 times a day!

Eat Big, Lift Big!!!

F*#$ing got that right. Im a manager at HJ’s (burger king) so eating clean really requires some determination and focus. C

Cheers for the advice, what about the macronutrient split?

Cos reading about carbs a lot of people are opting for low-moderate carb diets even when bulking so getting a little confused from the amount of information.